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Yibin City: 573 labor union stations can be reached in 15 minutes

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-01-17 18:01

"It's cold, so coming here can not only rest, but also warm, which is a good place for us outdoor workers to rest." On January 12, in the "log cabin" (the micro station of the labor union post station) on Gaofeng Road on the south bank of Xuzhou District, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, after finishing the morning's work, the courier Jiang Yong came to the familiar labor union post station to blow warm air, drink a cup of hot water, and feel warm, Let the body that has just been running in the cold wind stretch out.

The appearance of the "small wooden house" looks simple and generous, which is particularly noticeable in the surrounding modern buildings. This is the trade union post station built by the Federation of Trade Unions of Xuzhou District, Yibin City, integrating "drinking water supply, summer heating, meal heating, mobile phone charging, toilet rest, entertainment and learning".

This "log cabin" is close to the municipal plaza and belongs to the core business district on the south bank. It is a relatively crowded place for outdoor workers such as traffic police, sanitation workers, taxi drivers, couriers, and delivery boys in Yibin City. It is very important for them to have a resting place. The "wooden house" built by the "mother family" provides not only comfort and convenience, but also warmth and care from the "home".

With the great investment of Yibin Federation of Trade Unions in trade union post stations, post stations such as "small wooden houses" and "warm homes" have become "warm harbors" for outdoor workers. The reporter learned that in order to constantly improve the sense of gain, happiness and security of outdoor workers, in recent years, Yibin Federation of Trade Unions has focused on the three key links of "standardized construction, efficient service and normal operation", and built the city's "warm harbor for workers" through the "five core standards" of careful layout, intimate facilities, comfortable environment, ingenuity in design and warm service. Now, 11 of the most beautiful relay stations in China, 32 of the most beautiful relay stations in the province, and 573 of the labor union relay stations of the city's "Warm Harbor for Laborers" have been built, presenting a good pattern of letting a hundred flowers bloom.

In view of the distribution density of labor union stations concerned by outdoor workers, the three-year plan of Yibin Federation of Trade Unions' Construction Plan for Labor Union Stations (2023-2025) has clearly defined the goal of labor union station construction. "We aim to meet the requirements of 15 minute arrival, quality and quantity, form a chain of beads, and form a station service network covering the whole city, and strive to build and put into use 1000 trade union post stations by 2025." The relevant person in charge of Yibin Federation of Trade Unions expressed confidence that the 573 trade union post stations currently established have achieved cross coverage of 15 minute service circle of service stations in key areas of counties and districts.

While continuously improving the service quality of the labor union's post station, Yibin Federation of Trade Unions pays more attention to individualization, typification and specialization. The post station construction strives to cover more new forms of employment workers such as online taxi drivers, express boys, truck drivers, and online meal attendants.

After the labor union post station is built, how can it be used to live? Yibin Federation of Trade Unions has made plans after planning.

"In order to provide more convenient and efficient services, we will actively promote the unattended mode." The person in charge introduced to the reporter that it is expected to implement two-dimensional code scanning to open the doors of 15 warm "wooden houses" to be built in Sanjiang New District, Yibin in 2023, to provide all-weather open services and facilitate the flexible use of outside workers.

At the same time, the Yibin Federation of Trade Unions also focused on normal operation to ensure that the trade union relay station continued to play its role. "Through the list management mechanism, the management mode of union integration and wide open talk, the efficient integration of resources, high-quality service and diversification of modes have been achieved in the post station. In particular, the feedback mechanism has been introduced. Through the information given by outdoor workers, the operation effect of the post station has been adjusted and improved in time, so as to better promote the benign development of the post station."

(Sichuan Workers Daily/Lei Yan)

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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