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The reason for the public works' assessment of "zeroing" employees' year-end bonus should be clarified

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-01-16 09:09

 Engineering evaluation

Li Jing

Recently, Guanglianda, a well-known domestic digital building platform service provider, was exposed by the media to "clear" the year-end performance bonus of all employees in 2023, causing an uproar among employees. Then the company issued an open letter to all employees, and the company's senior management also had an exchange with the employees, to the effect that the business results in 2023 did not meet expectations, calling on employees to "overcome difficulties together".

It is mentioned in the document Interpretation of Some Specific Scope of the Regulations on the Composition of Total Wages issued by the National Bureau of Statistics that the nature of year-end bonus is wages. Naturally, it is also a part of labor remuneration. On the premise of meeting the relevant provisions of the Labor Contract Law on labor remuneration, the enterprise has a certain degree of autonomy to decide whether to establish the year-end bonus system and how to issue it after establishment. At present, many enterprises have year-end bonus systems, some of which are stipulated in labor contracts and some of which are reflected in the internal rules and regulations of enterprises.

The Labor Contract Law clearly stipulates that when an employer formulates, modifies or decides on rules and regulations or major matters directly related to the vital interests of workers, such as labor remuneration, working hours, rest and vacation, labor safety and health, insurance and welfare, employee training, labor discipline and labor quota management, it shall be discussed by the workers' congress or all employees, Put forward plans and opinions, which shall be determined through equal consultation with the trade union or staff representatives.

If the salary distribution rules and assessment system of Guanglianda that trigger the "zero" year-end bonus conditions are determined by the workers' congress of the company or all employees through discussion and equal consultation, it is understandable.

It is reported that the year-end bonus of Guanglianda in 2022 will be discounted according to the coefficient, which is obtained by multiplying the three coefficients of "individual performance, rank coefficient and organization coefficient". The organization coefficient in 2022 is 0.9. However, at the exchange meeting between senior executives and employees on January 8, senior executives of the company did not explain why the organization coefficient in 2023 was 0. According to the employees of Guanglianda, the company "did not give reasons, specific explanations, or any public official documents for the" zero clearing "year-end bonus, but orally informed everyone through the leaders from one level to another". Procedurally, it is difficult to convince people.

The business has encountered difficulties for the time being. It is no mistake for the enterprise to call on its employees to "overcome the difficulties together". In fact, from another perspective, if the company really makes a lot of money, who is willing to take the risk of losing people's hearts to "grab food" from employees? However, the decision to "reset" the year-end bonus of employees is directly related to the vital interests of all employees. Does the company's business situation trigger the conditions for "zeroing" the year-end bonus? Why is the organization coefficient of employees 0 in 2023? If the year-end bonus cannot be issued, is there any corresponding follow-up compensation scheme For such questions, Guanglianda should explain them to employees in a timely manner. After all, employees will choose to "overcome difficulties together" with the enterprise only if the enterprise sincerely gets the understanding of employees.

According to the employees of Guanglianda, one of the company's values is "pursuit of employee happiness". The happiness and sense of achievement of employees are actually very specific. For example, after a hard year, they are happy to go home after taking the year-end bonus. The most important way to build a harmonious labor relationship is to form a community of interests of enterprises and employees. Since it is a community of interests, we should take care of each other's interests. The more difficult the time is, the more the enterprise should sincerely communicate with its employees, earnestly attach importance to their interests, and jointly discuss solutions that are acceptable to both sides. With positive interaction, employees can join forces with the enterprise to deal with difficulties and challenges together.

Editor in charge: Zhang Zheng

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