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Realizing "Great Service" with "Small Incision" -- Fujian Trade Union Innovation and Exploration "Trade Union Posthouse+"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-01-08 19:08

Zhu Jieying, Yin Wenzhuo, reporter of China Industrial Network

"Is there a doctor near the construction site for free? Is it true or not?"

At the end of November last year, Dong Jian, a lorry driver, and a group of three people passed by a construction site in the Taiwan Investment Zone in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province. They found that there was a health post station for newly employed workers who could receive free physical examination, so they went in with suspicion.

Since 2023, on the basis of solving the basic problems of outdoor workers such as difficulty in resting, drinking and eating, Fujian Labor Union has made full use of the advantages of service stations such as dense traffic, wide distribution and front port, explored and innovated the "labor union post station+" operation and maintenance mode, extended the functions of post station such as health protection, rights and interests maintenance, and ideological guidance, and realized "big service" with "small incision"

The above is a corner of Fujian Trade Union's exploration and innovation of the "Trade Union Posthouse+" model.

"Labor Union Posthouse+Health Service" Create "Warm New" Posthouse

Dong Jian, a native of Jiangsu Province, is over 40 years old and has been a truck driver in Quanzhou, Fujian Province for 13 years.

For a long time, he has been busy, regardless of his own health, eating, resting and other life rhythm is very unstable. But I can't help it. His two children are studying in high school and college, and it's time to spend money.

The attending doctor found that Dong Jianxin's rate was too fast. Generally, a person's heart rate should be 60-100 beats per minute, but Dong Jian's heart rate can sometimes reach 110 beats per minute.

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Quanzhou Labor Union upgraded the "medical+" function of the post station to provide health services "within reach" for workers in the new employment mode of "running on wheels". Photograph provided by respondents

The doctor advised Dong Jian to go to the hospital for further physical examination based on his work and heart rate. The post station is equipped with a hospital self-service registration machine, and the doctor will guide him to register directly in the post station. Upon examination, Dong Jian suffered from heart valve disease and was hospitalized for nearly a week. Under the medical mutual aid subsidies of the employees' medical insurance and the trade union, Dong Jian didn't spend much money on this visit.

"There are more than 1000 truck drivers in Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone," said Dong Jian. "The physical examination at the post station is free, time-consuming and does not delay our work. It really helps us a lot."

The investigation of Quanzhou Federation of Trade Unions found that a large number of workers in new forms of employment have problems of neglect of management due to their "jobs on the wheel" all year round. For this reason, the Quanzhou Federation of Trade Unions and the Quanzhou Taiwan Investment Zone Federation of Trade Unions put forward the concept of "labor union station+hospital+new employment form group", to build a new employment form group worker health station.

"For new business groups, the right to health is a very important right, and everyone will pay attention to it." Chen Jing, executive vice chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Quanzhou Taiwan Investment Zone, said, "When they stop at the roadside post station, they can experience the whole set of health examination services, which is equivalent to solving small problems at the post station."

The extension exploration of the health station for workers in the new employment form is to make an appointment for on-site physical examination. Chen Jing introduced that the medical staff in the Taiwan Investment Zone formed a volunteer team to provide signing services for the new business groups such as Hunglema, Meituan, and Transport Vehicle Federation in the zone. If they do not have time to go to the hospital or post station for physical examination, the volunteer team can visit them regularly to do health tests.

In addition, the Quanzhou Labor Union also enabled the health examination digital and put intelligent health robots in the post station. Lin Taiping, an environmental sanitation worker in Licheng District who is nearly 60 years old, often uses intelligent health robots to measure blood pressure.

In March and April last year, Lin Taiping used the intelligent health robot at the outdoor worker post station of Shengwen Community for the first time to conduct physical examination. The result showed that his blood pressure was on the high side. He hurried to the hospital to see a doctor and get medicine to slowly lower his blood pressure. Later, he would often use the intelligent health robot to measure his blood pressure and see his recovery.

It is understood that outdoor workers can use intelligent health robots to experience the health examination of blood pressure, blood lipid, cholesterol and other eight indicators. Without leaving the post station, they can connect with registered doctors in the national first-class hospitals for video and graphic consultation. At present, it has provided services for nearly 2000 people.

"Labor Union Posthouse+Fengqiao Experience" to Create "Anxin" Posthouse

On the evening of December 7, 2023, at the intersection of Shuanglong Road and Dongxiao North Road, Xinluo District, Longyan City, Fujian Province, a car collided with an electric vehicle.

In the process of handling the traffic accident, the police found that the injured electric vehicle driver Li Hua (not his real name) was a hungry take away rider who belonged to a new form of employment, and immediately started the "Post Station Fengqiao" warm "new" rights protection service mechanism.

In October 2023, the Longyan Federation of Trade Unions led the local courts, judiciary, human resources and social security departments to sign the cooperation agreement of "Yizhan Fengqiao", and cooperated with 17 alliance units in the city to build a rights protection service team, so that legal consultation, rule of law publicity, mediation and negotiation, legal aid and other rights protection legal services can be extended to the Yizhan.

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Longyan Xinluo District Judicial Bureau Conflict Dispute Multi mediation Linkage Center Posthouse. Photograph provided by respondents

Liao Peng, the legal aid lawyer of the labor union linked to the post station, immediately learned about the situation from the party concerned after receiving the notice, and studied and judged the case: Li Hua had no traffic violations in this accident, and the simple mediation procedure of "Post Station Fengqiao" traffic accident was applicable.

2023 On December 13, the case handling police and the post station mediator mediated the two parties, and the traffic accident identification letter issued by the traffic police brigade confirmed that the delivery clerk was not responsible for the accident. Finally, both parties finally reached a compensation agreement: the owner of the car compensated 4800 yuan in total for the medical expenses of the delivery staff, the cost of lost time, the damage of the battery car and other property costs, which was performed on the spot.

According to the normal accident handling process, it takes 10 days from the occurrence of the accident to the determination of the accident responsibility by the traffic police department. In addition to the organization of mediation, performance of compensation and other processes, a complete handling time limit for a minor personal injury accident takes nearly 30 days.

However, under the "post station Fengqiao" warm "new" rights protection working mechanism, the mediation and settlement of the accident only took 6 days. Moreover, Li Hua only went to the traffic police brigade on the day of the accident and the day of mediation, which did not affect his normal work.

"The legal work of Longyan Trade Union itself has a deep foundation of honor. We hope to improve quality and efficiency here, so we have done convenient rights protection services according to the occupational characteristics of workers in the new employment form." Liu Liwen, the Rights and Interests Protection Department of Longyan Federation of Trade Unions, said that in the central urban area of Longyan, the trade union stations can be found in 10 minutes, including 68 trade union stations (including supply stations), The mediators and trade union assistance lawyers at the hooking site can be contacted to find the trade union in 10 minutes and to find the right protection service assistance in 10 minutes, so as to get through the "last mile" of contacting and serving employees.

In addition, "Yizhan Fengqiao" coordinated 17 co construction units to give full play to the advantages of human resources, mutual employment and cooperation of personnel, and jointly established the people's mediators' gang, the trade union's aid lawyers' gang, the arbitrators' gang, the judges' gang, etc., while expanding the online service function, and helping online legal service platforms such as the "Longyan Trade Union e-family" intelligent management platform to ensure that each site Every case and every channel can respond in time, provide services in place, and unblock green rights protection channels.

Since October 2023, the judicial mediators of the post office have successfully mediated 37 labor disputes, involving about 180000 yuan; The trade union handled 14 legal aid cases, which saved about 445000 yuan of economic benefits for workers in new employment forms; The mechanism was linked to the municipal and district courts and the labor and personnel dispute arbitration court, which accepted more than 110 labor dispute cases, resolved 98 cases before litigation, and recovered about 500000 yuan of labor remuneration for workers.

"Trade union station+ideological guidance" to build "Ningxin" station

From 2023, Fujian Trade Union will explore and implement the special action of "new ideas · 'heart' post station", carry out a series of ideological propaganda activities with trade union characteristics according to local conditions, organically combine the "visible" daily service with the "invisible" ideological guidance, and make the ideological guidance "tangible" and "emotional".

The "one square meter learning corner" at the post station is equipped with legal books such as trade union law and labor law, and newspapers such as Workers' Daily. It also opens "online listening with audio reading", and outlines the "concentric circle" of ideas with "one square meter", making the trade union post station a "spiritual home" for workers to recharge their minds.

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Huang Jinquan, the national model worker and the leader of the emergency commando of the Party members of the Environmental Sanitation Center of Taijiang District, is preaching to the staff at the post station. Photograph provided by respondents

It organized theme activities such as "the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is around", "micro propaganda", "talking about the beginning of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the future", and the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union. It organized representatives of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, model workers, trade union cadres, etc. to enter the site. For example, Cai Yueying, the representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the environmental sanitation team leader of Songyu Municipal Administration Station of Xiamen Haicang Urban Construction Municipal Company, returned from Beijing to attend the conference. Without enough time to take off the "orange" of environmental sanitation, she went into the "home" of Haicang environmental sanitation workers - the labor union love station to deliver the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to the workers.

The Fujian Labor Union has also created a "micro classroom" where two or three benches and three or five employees can speak. For example, Putian Federation of Trade Unions held more than 1000 "micro classes" for front-line workers, such as "ideological and political classes", "new ideas" and "bath smart craftsman", in the trade union post stations throughout the city, and enhanced the interactivity, participation and experience of learning through reading salons, theme solicitations, knowledge quizzes and other forms.

At present, Fujian Labor Union Post Station has served 6.8 million employees in total. According to the relevant personnel of Fujian Federation of Trade Unions, more than 1000 new sites will be built this year to organize a "15 minute service circle".

"Only by constantly innovating the way of trade union work can we better provide accurate and considerate services to the masses of workers," said Zhu Rongliang, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of the Fujian Federation of Trade Unions. Next, the Fujian Trade Union will focus on the characteristics of the work of workers in the new form of employment, constantly strengthen accurate thinking, constantly innovate the service content, and build the main body, service functions Continuously explore and innovate the operation mode and other aspects, realize the diversified empowerment and efficiency increase of the service function of the labor union's post station, let the majority of workers in the new employment form understand the labor union, aspire to the labor union, enter the labor union, and practically unite and cohere the workers in the new employment form.

(Li Huawei's pseudonym in the text)

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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