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Build labor union post stations, open green medical channels... China continues to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of outdoor workers

Source: CCTV News Client
2024-01-06 11:33

Original title: Building a labor union post station, opening a green medical access...... China continues to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of outdoor workers

In the cold winter, outdoor workers still stick to their posts, fearless of the cold. In order for these hardworking workers to have a more comfortable working and living environment, China is constantly increasing the protection of the rights and interests of outdoor workers.

Recently, the winter tourism in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province is very popular, and the workload of sanitation personnel in some scenic spots has also increased greatly. On Central Street, sanitation workers work in shifts every day, almost 24 hours without interruption.

Under the temperature of minus 20 degrees Celsius, the sanitation workers were tired of cleaning, so they went to this post station less than 500 meters away from the Central Street to have a rest. Hot water, warm stickers, gloves and other heating methods were arranged.

Lv Hongxia, sanitation worker in Daoli District, Harbin: I can have a rest, drink hot water, eat in the room, and feel warm.

Morten, Leader of Zhongyang Street Squadron, Environmental Sanitation Center, Daoli District Urban Management Bureau, Harbin: I'm glad to see so many tourists. We have cleaned Central Avenue neatly and beautifully, which also gives tourists a comfortable experience.

In Harbin, there are more than 2000 such trade union post stations. Up to now, nearly 160000 trade union post stations have been built in the country, serving more than 3 million outdoor workers every day, effectively solving their practical problems of "difficult to eat, drink, rest, and use the toilet".

At the beginning of the new year, many takeaway riders also put into full use. For them, housing, medical treatment and other issues have always been difficult points in life. At present, 300 takeaway riders with excellent performance are moving into affordable rental housing specially built for them in Putuo District.

Longitudinal wave of delivery staff: The cost performance ratio is very high. Now we can move in as long as we bring our own things. It is very close to our main business circle, and the transportation is convenient. It is also convenient to get medical treatment. We feel that we are integrating into the city.

In 2024, Putuo District of Shanghai will provide a total of 1000 beds of takeaway rider apartments. In Hebei, Shandong and other places, some hospitals have opened green medical channels for riders and couriers, providing free registration, free basic physical examination, preferential treatment fees and other services to solve their medical problems.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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