Zhonggong Entertainment

8 stations in Fuzhou were rated as the most beautiful labor union station in 2023

Source: Fuzhou Daily
2024-01-06 13:37

Original title: 8 stations in Fuzhou were rated as the most beautiful labor union station in 2023

Fuzhou Daily (Reporter Li Bailei) The Federation of Trade Unions of Fujian Province recently released a list of 100 "the most beautiful trade union stops" in Fujian Province in 2023, and 8 sites recommended by the Federation of Trade Unions of Fujian Province were on the list.

The eight stations are: staff service e station of Dahuangshan Community in Gulou District, staff service e station of Binqi Community in Songshan Town, Luoyuan County, staff service e station of Huahai Park, staff service e station of Workers' Cultural Palace in Yongtai County, staff service e station of Strait High tech and Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Mawei District, staff service e station of "Xike Post Station" in Jin'an District, staff service e station of South Park in Taijiang District Cangshan District Baihuting Wanda Staff Service E Station.

In recent years, trade unions at all levels in the province have invested more than 128 million yuan, built more than 4000 trade union posts, and served more than 6.8 million employees in total. The purpose of the selection of advanced post stations is to give play to the role of typical demonstration and drive, and create more warm harbors for the vast number of outdoor workers, especially those in new employment forms.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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