Zhonggong Entertainment

In 2023, the most team will act as "flat magpie" for equipment

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-12-11 11:26

The air conditioning and air compression team of Lingling Cigarette Factory of Hunan China Tobacco Corporation currently has 25 employees, including 16 operators, 8 maintenance workers, and 1 team leader, with an average age of 46 years. The team is responsible for the operation and maintenance of air pressure and negative pressure equipment of air conditioners in the whole plant, providing qualified air pressure and stable temperature and humidity environment for production. The team has always carried forward the spirit of craftsmanship and practiced professional skills. Everyone has unique skills and each has unique skills. The "five small" innovation achievements are remarkable. Among them, the vacuum pump control system transformation will be implemented in 2023, which will reduce the energy consumption of the equipment by nearly 20%.

Submitted by: Hunan China Tobacco Lingling Cigarette Factory

Editor in charge: Liu Yang

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