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Hebei held the unveiling ceremony of "Labor Union Post Station · Love Wing Station" to light up public welfare projects

Source: Worker Daily Client
2023-12-01 19:49

Original title: Hebei held the unveiling ceremony of "Labor Union Posthouse · Love Wing Station" to light up public welfare projects

Worker's Daily - Bai Zhijie, reporter of China Industrial Network, Wu Fei and Wu Shu, correspondents

On the afternoon of November 30, the Hebei Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and Hebei Telecom jointly held the unveiling ceremony of "Labor Union Posthouse · Love Wing Station" to light up the public welfare project in Shijiazhuang Military Innovation Business Hall. Qi Weimin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Hebei Federation of Trade Unions, and Li Xin, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Hebei Telecom, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

Qi Weimin said that the Hebei Federation of Trade Unions took "zero distance" service for workers as the goal to comprehensively promote the in-depth construction of the station. By the end of September, 4132 outdoor labor service stations had been built in the province. During this period, Hebei Telecom and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions answered the same question and walked in the opposite direction, jointly promoting the construction of "Trade Union Posthouse · Love Wing Station". Trade unions at all levels in the province will work with Hebei Telecom to build the "Trade Union Posthouse · Love Wing Station" into a warm harbor for outdoor workers, and create a beautiful card to serve outdoor workers and fulfill social responsibilities.

"In May 2021, Hebei Telecom will launch the public service project of 'labor union post station and love wing station' to provide rest and supply, intelligent science popularization, fraud prevention and counter fraud and other care services by relying on business halls all over the province." Li Xinxin said that Hebei Telecom will strive to build the "labor union post station and love wing station" into a warm, popular, warm, image exhibition Keep a safe service position.

"There are often elderly people who come to the hall to seek help, such as mobile phone arrears, unable to dial the phone, mobile phone failure, etc., as well as simply to take a break, we all have a caring salesperson to provide help and services." Liu Mengqi, a representative of the volunteer team of "Labor Union Post Station · Love Wing Station" and a love commissioner of Hebei Telecom, said. It is reported that "Labor Union Posthouse · Love Wing Station" mainly provides love services for the elderly, outdoor workers, disabled people and other special groups, including free charging, free drinking water, emergency shelter, temporary rest, free Wi Fi, mobile phone counseling and other contents.

At the opening ceremony, Hebei Federation of Trade Unions and Hebei Telecom presented love gift bags to representatives of outdoor workers such as sanitation, express delivery, takeaway and postal service. After the ceremony, "Labor Union Posthouse · Love Wing Station" organized a love micro lecture, and the love commentator of the telecom business hall shared the cases related to telecom fraud for the user representatives present. "Love Wing Station will carry out love micro lectures irregularly with the theme of anti fraud propaganda and aging services, and strive to deliver the high-quality services of telecommunications to every user." Wang Wei, a representative of the volunteer team of Hebei Telecom's "Labor Union Post Station · Love Wing Station", said.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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