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Announcement of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Tibet Autonomous Region on Re inquiry of the Skills Training Project for Farming and Animal Husbandry Workers in 2023

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-28 16:33

All service providers:

The Federation of Trade Unions of the Tibet Autonomous Region, due to work needs and with the approval of the fourth office meeting of the 11th Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Tibet Autonomous Region, now plans to make another inquiry and purchase for the services of the skills training project for farmers and herdsmen in 2023, and invite qualified suppliers to participate.

1、 Purchaser: Tibet Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions

2、 Project name: 2023 Farming and Animal Husbandry Migrant Workers Skills Training Project of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Tibet Autonomous Region.

3、 Service demand:

First, the excavator loader training class was held, with 120 trainees and no less than 60 days of training. The training is qualified and the corresponding grade certificate is obtained. The training task completion rate is 100% and the training qualification rate is more than 90%.

The second is to carry out a training class for car driver's C license, with 120 trainees and no less than 60 training days. The training is qualified and the corresponding grade certificate is obtained. The training task completion rate is 100% and the training qualification rate is more than 90%.

Third, a training class for Tibetan cuisine chefs was held, with 90 people trained and no less than 45 days of training. The training is qualified and the corresponding grade certificate is obtained. The training task completion rate is 100%, the training qualification rate is more than 90%, and the student employment rate is 40%.

The fourth is to carry out maintenance electrician training classes, with 60 trainees and no less than 60 training days. The training is qualified and the corresponding grade certificate is obtained. The training task completion rate is 100%, the training qualification rate is more than 90%, and the student employment rate is 40%.

4、 Service provider qualification requirements

The service provider must be an enterprise or social organization capable of providing services for the project and meet the requirements of Article 22 of the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China.

1. Legal persons or other organizations or natural persons registered in the People's Republic of China with the ability to independently bear civil liability;

2. Social organizations or institutions with human resources service licenses that need to be registered in civil affairs, human resources and social security or education departments according to law; Or training institutions registered and established in the industrial and commercial administration or administrative departments according to law;

3. Possess the License of the People's Republic of China for Running a National School or the corresponding valid certification materials for running a school; Have relevant training achievements of government departments at county (district) level or above;

4. Institutions with qualification for evaluation of vocational skill grade of relevant occupation (type of work) are preferred;

5. The supplier has no major illegal record in business activities within three years before participating in government procurement activities. Major illegal records refer to the supplier's criminal punishment or administrative punishment such as ordering to suspend production or business, revoking the permit or license, or imposing a relatively large fine due to illegal operation. (The large amount of fine shall be determined in accordance with the standard for large amount of fine formulated by the provincial government where the department issuing the decision on administrative penalty is located, or the relevant administrative department of the State Council under the vertical leadership, or the standard for the amount of fine that needs to be heard before the decision on fine is made) (a written statement shall be provided);

6. Have the equipment and professional technical ability necessary for the performance of the contract (a written statement must be provided);

7. The supplier must meet other conditions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations (a written statement must be provided);

8. The supplier is not included in the record list of "recording the list of dishonest persons to be executed or the parties involved in major tax violations or serious violations of government procurement" on the "Credit China" website (www.creditchina. gov.cn); During the period when participation in government procurement activities is not prohibited in the "Information Record of Serious Illegal and Dishonest Behaviors in Government Procurement" on the Chinese government procurement website (www.ccgp. gov.cn). (Provide screenshots of web pages);

9. The consortium quotation is not acceptable for the project.

5、 Quotation requirements

The service provider shall formulate a detailed training implementation plan and quotation list according to the demand for skills training services for farmers and herdsmen of the Tibet Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions. The total price shall not be higher than the budget fund of the project, otherwise, the quotation will be invalid. The project budget funds are as follows:

1. The training cost of excavator and loader is 6400 yuan per person, 120 people are trained, and the budget fund is 768000 yuan;

2. The training cost for car driver's license C is 4000 yuan per person, 120 people are trained, and the budget fund is 480000 yuan;

3. The training cost of Tibetan cuisine chefs is RMB 5000 per person, 90 people are trained, and the budget fund is RMB 450000;

4. The maintenance electrician training cost is 4800 yuan per person, 60 people are trained, and the budget fund is 288000 yuan;

The total price includes all due expenses incurred in the training site, equipment and facilities, transportation, teachers' remuneration, examination and other work during the implementation of the activity.

6、 Composition of quotation document of service provider

1. Contents of quotation documents

2. Relevant supporting materials for service provider qualification requirements

3. Quotation List

4. Training implementation plan

5. Other valid data required by the inquiry documents and deemed necessary by the Tenderer.

7、 Other requirements and instructions

(1) Payment method

The training will be paid in two installments, with the first installment not exceeding 30%, and the final installment will be paid according to the data of trainees who meet the attendance conditions.

(2) Announcement period

November 28, 2023 to December 6, 2023

(3) Time and place for submitting response documents

The response service provider shall submit the response document to the General Trade Union Office of Tibet Autonomous Region (No. 18, Jiangsu Road) before 18:00 on December 6, 2023.

(4) Service Term

From the date of signing the contract to the expiration of the service period. The service contract shall be signed by both parties within 3 days after the transaction is confirmed, and the service provider shall complete all preparations within one week after the contract is signed.

(5) Contact location and method:

1. Contact address: General Trade Union Office of Tibet Autonomous Region

2. Tel: 0891-6366691

Tibet Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions Procurement leading group

November 28, 2023

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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