Zhonggong Entertainment

Model around | "Dream Chaser" on the road of innovation and development

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-03 20:15

Wu Zhenguo, the current general manager of Liuzhou Yiyang Technology Co., Ltd. and a member of Liuzhou CPPCC, has won honorary titles such as "Model Worker of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region", "Guangxi May Day Labor Medal", "Top Ten Pioneers of Party Members' Innovation and Entrepreneurship", and "Liudong Craftsman". He led the company to become a leader in the industry with excellent leadership and innovative spirit; He cares about employees, listens to their opinions and suggestions, encourages employees to play a creative and team spirit, and jointly promote the development of the company; He is responsible for his work and actively assumes social responsibility. He hopes that employees can make more contributions to the society with a positive attitude and dedication@ Liuzhou Liudong New District (High tech Zone) Federation of Trade Unions

Editor in charge: Zhao Chongfu

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