Zhonggong Entertainment

Example | Inspiring "Single King" Zhou Jiaqi

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-03 14:35

Zhou Jiaqi, the delivery boy who won the title of "Jiaxing Good Man", interprets the benevolence of ordinary people with practical actions. He is physically disabled and has a strong will. He works hard, has a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, and uses his diligence and kindness to create a better life.

On a winter day, Zhou Jiaqi found a man who wanted to commit suicide sitting outside the railing of the bridge on the way to deliver the food. Although he fell into a secondary disability due to childhood illness and was unable to move, Zhou Jiaqi immediately rushed forward after alerting the police and held the man tightly behind the railing. After the police brought the man to a safe area, Zhou Jiaqi left the scene silently... @ Jiaxing Federation of Trade Unions, Zhejiang Province

Editor in charge: Liu Huiling

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