Zhonggong Entertainment

Models around me Climbers in the "core" era

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-02 10:14

The chip industry is a national strategic industry, an important foundation for the national economy and social informatization, and is related to national security and the lifeline of the national economy. At the end of the 1990s, facing the severe dilemma of independent core chips highly dependent on imports, Feiteng team was born in the crisis and challenges in order to solve the pain of core shortage in the high-end chip field.

For more than 20 years, Feiteng people have kept in mind their original mission. Relying on the labor spirit of striving for first-class and hard work and the craftsman spirit of meticulousness and pursuit of excellence, they have made great progress all the way, iterated technology, dug into the market, and insight into users. They have independently developed more than 10 mass production chips for different application fields, and many products have set sales records of domestic CPUs, More than 6 million chips have been delivered, more than 3200 hardware solutions have been created with more than 5000 manufacturers, nearly 30000 pieces of software have been adapted, and 2 million mobile apps have been compatible, which has built the largest information industry ecosystem in China and played an important role in China's information security and industrial development@ Tianjin Binhai High tech Industrial Development Zone Federation of Trade Unions

Editor in charge: Yang Tingyao

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