Zhonggong Entertainment

Side Example | One Life · Horse Head Qin Production

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-02 13:35

Tessidrigen is the inheritor of municipal intangible cultural heritage in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, and the craftsman of horse head zither production. He became a carpenter at the age of 17 and began to learn musical instrument making such as horse head fiddle with the old artists around him. In 2016, Tessidrigen founded a musical instrument production factory. Over the years, he has trained many craftsmen for making horse head fiddles, and tried to make more people understand the production skills of horse head fiddles, participate in the inheritance and development of national intangible cultural heritage, and become a vivid practice to promote the integration of intangible cultural heritage into modern life, cultural revitalization and social development@ Tongliao City Financial Media Center

Editor in charge: Zhao Chongfu

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