Zhonggong Entertainment

Models around | Pursue perfection, young craftsmen never stop

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-01 13:47

Ren Chenglong is a practical instructor in the Vocational Education Center of Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. Engaged in the research and training of new energy vehicle technology, mastered the key core technology of new energy vehicles, and was good at solving the problems of production technology. In vehicle maintenance, it is a very important ability to identify faults through sound, and he has practiced his unique skill of "hearing and identifying faults". He summarized these maintenance experiences and demonstrated them to students in person, passing on such skills so that they can understand and master them.

Be a striver in the new era and make the strongest voice of workers. He is full of confidence in the future@ Shaoxing Shangyu District Vocational Education Center

Editor in charge: Liu Huiling

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