Zhonggong Entertainment

I climb the "high tower" for the light with the role models around me

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-01 13:43

He is the chief expert of the State Grid Corporation of China, the "Hui camel" in the ultra-high voltage substation; He is a good man in China elected by Shushan District, Wang Kaiku of Anhui Power Transmission and Transformation Engineering Co., Ltd. - Wanjiadenghuo, I climb the "tower" for brightness.

Wang Kaiku's love is inseparable from the power grid construction. As an electrical engineer, he has traveled more than half of China. Do one line, love one line, drill one line. In 2011, China's UHV construction was in full swing. In this year, Wang Kaiku led the construction of UHV project for the first time at the ± 800kV Yulong converter station in Xichang, Sichuan. Due to the inconvenience of transportation and the delay of equipment transportation, he and his colleagues fought together for 16 days and successfully completed the workload of three months, which set a new record for the installation of UHV converters.

Editor in charge: Wu Jingbin

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