Zhonggong Entertainment

Example around | Teaching and educating people in details

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-01 10:12

The great era calls for great spirit, and the lofty cause needs to be guided by examples. Teaching and educating people is not to fill the basket, but to light the lamp. A good education should be born of love, choose good, act towards beauty, and develop. Learning high school as a teacher and being upright as a model is a true portrayal of their career; It is their tireless pursuit of education to work hard in the education arena and make the country stronger; As a part of educators, they accumulate achievements, honors and happiness in every moment. They are dedicated to pursuing happiness and success as teachers. Nurturing peaches and plums with true feelings, shaping the image of a teacher in every word and deed, and telling the ordinary but not ordinary teachers bit by bit. With the purpose of fostering first-class parallelism and cultivating first-class talents, we will work hard in the world of education and write educational dreams@ High School Affiliated to Xi'an Jiaotong University

Editor in charge: Li Lide

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