Zhonggong Entertainment

Next to me, we should set an example and move forward

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-01 11:04

Tang Shouzhong, an ordinary oil producer in the third area of oil production management of Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Gudao Oil Production Plant, is also a super technician of Shengli Oilfield Branch Gudao Oil Production Plant and a master of oil production skills of Sinopec Group. He has worked for 34 years, rooted in the salt marsh at the mouth of the Yellow River, loyal to his job and guarding the oil well. From an ordinary worker, he has grown into a skilled craftsman famous in the national oil industry, and won honorary titles such as national model worker, national technical expert, leading talent in Taishan industry, Qilu craftsman, and petrochemical master. He is diligent and dedicated, unswervingly engaged in innovation, solved key technical problems, eliminated more than 200 major equipment failures, completed 141 technical innovation achievements above the bureau level, and filled 17 technical gaps in related fields in China. He gathers wisdom and creates innovation, tackling difficulties and creating effects. Led the establishment of Shengli Oilfield Innovation Studio Alliance to solve 130 production technology problems@ Labor Union of Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Gudao Oil Production Plant

Editor in charge: Wu Jingbin

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