Zhonggong Entertainment

Example around me Answer

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-09-13 09:10

Xiong Jingxuan, software developer and senior engineer of Chengdu Branch of Geophysical Technology Research Center of Oriental Geophysical Corporation, and leader of "Xiong Jingxuan Innovation Studio". For more than ten years, she has mainly engaged in the research and development of interactive matching functions of geophysical exploration software, static correction, depth domain velocity modeling, artificial intelligence auxiliary processing and other technology and software research. In recent two years, he has mainly been responsible for the research and development of static correction software package for the new GeoEast platform, and the research and development of DAS-VSP depth domain velocity modeling interactive software and static correction software. This enabled GeoEast to have a full interactive statics software tool for the first time, forming another blockbuster product of GeoEast, and making important contributions to breaking the commercial barriers of external companies.

Editor in charge: Liu Huiling

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