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Anhui Xiaoxian Federation of Trade Unions: Innovation Work Law Trade Union Post Station Construction and Development Bureau

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-09-12 15:05

Small post station, great care. The Federation of Trade Unions of Xiaoxian County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province attaches great importance to the construction of the outdoor worker service station (labor union post station), takes it as an important starting point for services to contact workers, innovatively adopts the "one two three four five" working method, and promotes the construction of the labor union post station to go deeper and more practical. Since 2023, 131 new trade union stations have been built and 9 trade union stations have been upgraded in the county, with an investment of 1.88 million yuan. Among them, the County Federation of Trade Unions invested nearly 100000 yuan, and other units invested 1.78 million yuan in total.

Build a strong "leading organization"

The Federation of Trade Unions of Xiaoxian County, together with 15 units such as the County Development and Reform Commission and the County Urban Management Bureau, issued the Implementation Plan for the Construction of Outdoor Labor Service Station (Labor Union Posthouse) in Xiaoxian County, established a joint meeting system, and the joint meeting office promoted the construction of labor union posthouse as a whole. The whole county has organized and held two joint meetings and five special working group meetings to dispatch the construction of labor union post stations and network layout.

In addition, the County Federation of Trade Unions has repeatedly reported to the county party committee and the county government leaders in charge of the construction of the trade union relay station, which has been recognized and affirmed by the county party committee and the county government.

Erect two "display signs"

In line with the principle of creating a trade union post station that is easy to identify, concise, clean and tidy, the County Federation of Trade Unions, referring to the experience of advanced regions, designed two "display signs" for the construction unit to choose - a service project display board, hung or posted outside the trade union post station, to display the water dispenser, microwave oven, tool box, sewing box Mobile phone charging and other basic service facilities and mark the opening time; A system board is hung or pasted in the trade union post station room to display the Trade Union Post Station Management System and the Trade Union Post Station Management Personnel Working System, under which the name and telephone number of the station master are marked. The two display boards contain the relevant elements of the labor union post station, so that outdoor workers can see it at a glance. The construction unit can also add other elements of its own on this basis.

Clarify three "unified elements"

In terms of unified layout planning, the County Federation of Trade Unions, in conjunction with the People's Bank of China, data, urban management, transportation and other departments, arranged the densely populated areas of the county one by one. The 160 trade union post stations planned to be built cover the main streets and communities, forming a working pattern of "one network" throughout the county.

In terms of unified basic configuration, the County Federation of Trade Unions issued a clear notice requiring the trade union post station to provide basic service facilities such as tables and chairs, drinking fountains, microwave ovens, toolboxes, inflators, emergency medicine kits, mobile phone charging plugs, etc. If conditions permit, the labor union post station can also be equipped with TV, refrigerator, defibrillator, wireless network and other service facilities, which can be gradually improved.

In terms of unified and standardized star determination, the County Federation of Trade Unions adopts the principle of site self-evaluation and comprehensive evaluation, and strictly follows the "five-star" standard, arranges staff to visit and score the reported sites one by one, timely feedback to the site after the stars are identified, and supervise the relevant supporting construction.

Realize four "basic guarantees"

In terms of fund guarantee, the County Federation of Trade Unions incorporated the construction of trade union post stations into the annual budget, and guided the construction unit to equip items in a targeted manner in accordance with the principle of "making up for missing items and updating old ones". At the same time, some co construction units also actively cooperate. For example, the County Urban Management Bureau has invested 320000 yuan in the construction of labor union posts in urban management sentry boxes, environmental sanitation sentry boxes and other places; Some banks invest special funds to build labor union stations; Tongxiang Transportation Company and Changtong Transportation Company build the labor union post station on the basis of "driver's home"; The takeaway platform also opened a special area to build a labor union station

In terms of personnel security, the County Federation of Trade Unions, under the communication and coordination with the co construction unit, selected and strengthened the post master of the trade union, and the person in charge of each window unit acted as him. At the same time, the County Federation of Trade Unions held two training meetings in the way of "training by meeting". The County Federation of Trade Unions trained the construction unit's liaison and the construction unit's liaison to train the station master, so that the station master training was fully covered.

In terms of system guarantee, the County Federation of Trade Unions has formulated the management system of trade union post station and the working system of management personnel, defined the responsibilities of the joint construction unit, carried out performance evaluation and management assessment, allocated construction funds according to the acceptance situation, and appropriately increased the budget for units with outstanding construction achievements.

In terms of management guarantee, the County Federation of Trade Unions established the "Xiaoxian County Trade Union Post Station Communication Group", timely uploaded the rules and regulations and construction specifications, and on the basis of conference scheduling and open and secret visits, fed back the problems of trade union post station construction to relevant units at any time and urged them to do a good job of rectification, so that all stations were included in the scope of trade union management.

Do a good job in five "key tasks"

In order to improve the service quality, the County Federation of Trade Unions organized more than 10 social chemical authors to carry out the "One Day Tour of Post Station Service" activity, guide the trade union post station to improve the facilities and reasonable layout, provide outdoor workers with legal advice, difficult assistance, employment guidance and other services, and solicit their opinions and suggestions on the construction of the trade union post station.

In order to highlight cooperation and joint construction, the County Federation of Trade Unions fully publicized the benefits of trade union post station construction, fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the joint construction units, excavated existing resources, focused on learning from each other's strengths, guided the joint construction units to improve measures, check deficiencies and fill gaps, realized joint construction and sharing, and highlighted social benefits.

In order to expand its functional attributes, the County Federation of Trade Unions presented newspapers and magazines to each site, provided publicity materials of laws and regulations such as the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China, and enhanced the propaganda function of the trade union's post station. In addition, the County Federation of Trade Unions also carried out the activity of "Caring for Outdoor Workers and Entering the Trade Union Posthouse", sending 140 "heatstroke prevention gift bags", 40 boxes of mineral water, 50 tea cups, 50 medical emergency bags, etc. to outdoor workers.

In order to strengthen publicity and guidance, the County Federation of Trade Unions issued the Proposal on Supporting the Construction of Outdoor Labor Service Station (Labor Union Station) through WeChat public account, advocating all enterprises and institutions, charity organizations, and caring people in the county to support the construction of labor union stations. At the same time, according to the construction progress of the labor union post station, the County Federation of Trade Unions announced the address and webmaster information of the second phase of the labor union post station on the "Xiaoxian Rongmei" WeChat public account, "Xiaoxian Release" Weibo and other platforms, and continued to promote the labor union post station to be marked on map navigation apps.

In order to ensure efficient operation, the County Federation of Trade Unions adopted the "four no two straight" approach to urge the trade union post station to operate for 15 times, and timely fed back and urged the rectification of the problems found in the inspection. In addition, the County Federation of Trade Unions issued a work hotline through the WeChat public account, listened carefully to the problems reflected by the masses, and implemented them to ensure that the trade union post station was well built and operated.

(Anhui Workers Daily, Zhu Guangcheng)

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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