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The simple confession of a trade union post master: let every outdoor worker "meet love at the corner"

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-09-01 14:06

At 9 o'clock every morning, she would arrive at the trade union post station on time, open the glass door, take a step to the right after entering the door, press the switch on the wall, the whole post station would become bright in an instant, then take five steps to the left to open the water dispenser to heat hot water, and move the stool to the door... She was skilled in this series of actions, like an instinctive reaction, and the post station would start a new day. Her name is Wang Fang. She is a model worker in Kunming, Yunnan, and the secretary of the Party Committee and director of the neighborhood committee of Taoyuan Community, Gulou Street, Panlong District. Now, she has a special new identity - the stationmaster of the trade union post station in Taoyuan Community, Gulou Street, Panlong District, Kunming City.

The Trade Union Posthouse of Taoyuan Community is located at the intersection of Taoyuan Street and Tofu Factory Lane, which is just a corner. The opposite side of the road is Taoyuan Square. There are a lot of people coming and going, and there are a lot of restaurants along the street on both sides, gathering a large number of delivery staff. About 50 meters to the south, there is a waste transfer station, where sanitation workers work all year round. In order to serve outdoor labor groups such as delivery boys and sanitation workers, a labor union post station was established here with the support of provincial, municipal and district federation of trade unions.

Wang Fang has worked in Taoyuan Community for more than ten years, and is very familiar with it and full of feelings. When preparing to build the labor union post station, she actively offered advice and suggestions. After in-depth exchanges with the District Federation of Trade Unions, everyone together took a warm theme for the post station: meeting love at the corner. "This is just a corner, and the post station is also a harbor for caring outdoor workers. We hope that no matter where and when you come from, no matter where you come from, no matter where you come from, no matter when you come, you can 'meet love around the corner'" Wang Fang is particularly affectionate when introducing the meaning of this theme.

After the trade union post station was built, the Panlong District Federation of Trade Unions, Gulou Street, and Taoyuan Community operated in accordance with the concept of "co construction and sharing". Wang Fang became the post station master, who led the team to be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the post station, welcoming and sending people to and from the post station every day, providing warm services for outdoor workers.

One afternoon at the beginning of April this year, at about 2:30, Wang Fang, who was checking the staff guestbook in the post station, heard the sound of "gurgling" at the door, so she went out to have a look. "Sister Wang, just after the lunch rush hour, we can get hot water here, and I can make instant noodles here..." Xiao Yang, the delivery clerk, said with a smile, "Our lunch time is basically two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Many businesses are closed, and food is expensive, so we still choose instant noodles, which is cheap and convenient..." Wang Fang thought at that time, How can I help the takeaway boy solve the problem of eating. After investigation and coordination, with the support of the district head office and the street, Wang Fang provided delayed preferential lunch service at the post station through linkage with the community happiness canteen, so that outdoor workers could enjoy delayed low price purchase. At the same time, he cooperated with the community love unit Kunming Customs to provide outdoor workers with "love breakfast" every month. "After working at noon, our colleagues in charge of this area will come to the post station to have lunch, which is very cost-effective and delicious. After eating, we will just have a rest here..." Xiao Yang, the delivery clerk, said happily.

At the labor union post station of Taoyuan Community, you can not only "meet love around the corner", but also "feel love around the corner". There is a guestbook at the entrance of the post station. Outdoor workers can write down their wishes. "This post station is very good. The location is very good. There are a lot of takeout lists in the nearby restaurants. You can take a rest when waiting for the order. Of course, it would be better to have a fan, ha ha..." "It would be better if the post station could help prepare an air pump! Sometimes the motorcycle tires are flat and can't find a place to call..." Wang Fang will read every message in the message book carefully, Then they implemented them one by one and acted quickly. Within a few days, the post station was equipped with fans and air pumps. The staff who left the message said with emotion: "I didn't expect it to be so fast. The post station helped implement the handwritten message a few days ago..."

These heartwarming things are happening every day. The labor union post has become a place where you can feel love everywhere.

Love can be met, felt and transmitted.

In order to do a good job in the operation and management of the post office, Wang Fang actively integrates various social resources in accordance with the concept of joint construction and sharing, so that the trade union post office can become a place to "deliver love". "The most comfortable distance between people is one meter, one meter. When the sun shines in, it can warm everyone, so we have made a" One meter Sunshine Love List ", which is dedicated to showing the love organizations, units, and individuals have offered and contributed to the post station..." Wang Fang said. Up to now, the labor union station has gathered many love organizations and raised love breakfast, drinks, heart pacemakers, water tickets and other materials, which will be provided to outdoor workers free of charge through the labor union station.

In order to provide more warm services for the staff, Wang Fang moved his "Model Worker Innovation Studio" to the second floor of the post station. Relying on the team and resources of the studio, and according to the needs of the staff, he also held some theme activities at the post station irregularly, such as coffee making, manual training, etc. In order to listen to and respond to the voice of outdoor workers, she also actively organized the NPC representatives of Taoyuan Community and the takeaway boy for discussion and exchange, and called on everyone to pay attention to outdoor workers with practical actions.

After nearly half a year of operation, the labor union post station in Taoyuan Community has become a truly warm harbor for outdoor workers around, and Wang Fang has also become the "bosom sister" of many outdoor workers. "My family lives opposite Panlong River, where we both work and live. After taking charge of the management of the labor union post station, many outdoor workers know me. When they meet me on the road, they will greet me kindly. Seeing their smiling faces, I feel that my work is particularly meaningful, and it is worthwhile to work hard......" Wang Fang said.

The story of Wang Fang and outdoor workers is still happening in a warm way.

(WeChat official account of Yunnan Federation of Trade Unions)

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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