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More than 80% of the annual goals and tasks have been completed. Anhui Trade Union has pressed the "fast forward" button

Source: Worker Daily Client
2023-08-23 13:25

Original title: More than 80% of the annual goals and tasks have been completed, and the "fast forward" button has been pressed for the construction of Anhui Trade Union Posthouse

Correspondent Peng Xusheng Worker's Daily - Chen Hua, reporter of China Industrial Network

On August 23, the promotion meeting of Anhui Trade Union's post station construction was held in Hefei. According to the report of the meeting, as of August 15, 6705 new trade union post stations had been built in the province, with an increase of 2515, reaching 9220 in total, and 83.8% of the annual target of 11000. All units in Anhui have put the construction of trade union post stations in a prominent position, and have achieved significant phased results.

He Shushan, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Anhui Provincial People's Congress, Chairman of Anhui Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and the first convener of the joint meeting on the construction of the provincial outdoor labor service station (labor union post station), fully affirmed the large amount of effective work done by various units throughout the province in promoting the construction of the labor union post station. In order to ensure the successful completion of the annual goal task of trade union post station construction, he stressed that first, we should continue to make efforts to accelerate the construction of trade union post station, promote the overall improvement of the construction level, and further do the work in detail; Second, we should continue to make efforts to standardize the management of labor union post stations to ensure the benign operation of labor union post stations in the province; Third, we should continue to make efforts to give play to the role of the trade union post station, and strive to build the trade union post station into the propaganda station of the party's policy theory and the service station of doing practical things for the people; Fourth, we should continue to make efforts to improve the awareness, attraction and influence of the trade union post station; Fifthly, we should continue to make efforts to improve the work style, and ensure that the good deed of the labor union post station is well done.

Xu Facheng, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of the Anhui Federation of Trade Unions, and convener of the joint meeting, presided over the meeting and conveyed the spirit of the conference and launching ceremony of the Double 15 Project of the Federation's "Trade Unions' Small Station and Great Love" trade union service station. He stressed that the construction of the trade union post station should be taken as a major event at present, and the whole session should be strengthened to serve the workers with the most practical measures and expand the influence of the trade union with the most extensive coverage. At the same time, we should anchor the goals and tasks, focus on the key links, highlight the "fast" in the construction speed, highlight the "practical" in the construction standards, highlight the "new" in the management and use, continue to strengthen the publicity and guidance, and strive to build the trade union post into a bright business card of the trade union work and even Anhui work.

The meeting reported the progress of the construction of the provincial trade union relay station and deployed special labor competition work. It is reported that in order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of all units in all regions to participate in the construction of trade union posts, the Anhui Federation of Trade Unions printed and distributed the implementation plan of the competition, and launched a special labor competition for the construction of trade union posts across the province, aiming to set off a boom in the construction of trade union posts across the province, and ensure that by the end of 2023, more than 11000 trade union posts will have been built in the province, We will continue to improve the mechanism of "building, managing and using" of the trade union relay stations, and strive to make the construction of Anhui trade union relay stations among the national advanced ranks.

At the meeting, a special promotional film on the construction of Anhui Trade Union's post station was broadcast. Provincial Department of Transport, Bozhou City, Huainan City, Ma'anshan City, Jinzhai County, Lu'an City, Anhui Branch of China Construction Bank and other six units made exchange speeches. Before the meeting, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions also organized some representatives to carry out on-site observation, including the Hefei Labor Union Happiness Post Station, the Workers' Cultural Palace Station, the Labor Union Post Station of Industrial Workers' Park of Hefei Rail Transit Line S1, which was jointly built by the trade union organization, and the Hefei Labor Union Happiness Post Station, Tongcheng Road Station, which was jointly built by private enterprises Huiyun Station and other four trade union service stations in Hefei.

At present, Anhui Federation of Trade Unions has allocated 15.42 million yuan of trade union post station award and subsidy funds, which has driven the trade unions at all levels of the province to invest more than 86 million yuan in construction funds, and leveraged the accumulated investment of 164 million yuan from various units around the province. In addition, Anhui has now incorporated the construction of labor union post stations into the province's 50 practical matters of people's livelihood. The province and 16 cities under the jurisdiction of the province have established a joint meeting system, and have held joint meetings, mobilization and deployment meetings, video dispatching meetings, and research symposiums for many times to promote the formation of "three lines of transportation, postal management, and finance in the province"+"federation of trade unions in cities under the jurisdiction of the province" +The "3+1+N" work pattern, in which "provincial public security, housing construction, market supervision, commerce and other member units, 11 provincial industrial trade unions, and 14 provincial co construction enterprises" take their respective responsibilities and cooperate closely, provides strong support and guarantee for promoting the construction of trade union posts.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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