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Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions helped "Ten Actions" to carry out work

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-08-21 15:49

Wang Xin, reporter of China Industrial Network

Since the start of the work, the Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions has promoted 267 units with more than 25 people to establish associations, 38700 new members, and guided 206 grass-roots trade unions to carry out standardized construction, centering on helping implement the "Ten Actions" of the city's development and promoting trade union reform and innovation.

The Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions insists on the close combination of "staying with front-line workers", "district level trade union strengthening year" special work, grassroots contact points, pilot production reform and other systems. More than 100 cadres were selected and set up more than 50 squatting groups to carry out squatting work in more than 100 locations. By building staff education positions such as An Xingsheng's former residence "Trade Union Forest - Red Labor Movement Tree lined Road", guiding grassroots trade unions to build a staff thought guidance matrix, organizing a new era model worker group and the backbone of trade unions at all levels to promote theory, and carrying out more than 200 thought guidance activities.

The task force of Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions directly served 13 pilot projects of industrial reform, led the task force of each district to focus on 55 pilot enterprises, targeted at the needs of grass-roots enterprises and industrial workers, and strengthened the promotion of industrial reform. The Beijing Tianjin Hebei Aviation Service Skills Invitational, Water Administration Law Enforcement Skills Competition and Tianjin Hebei Staff (Forklift) Skills Competition were held. Guide the grassroots trade unions to explore and establish the innovation studio alliance of model workers (craftsmen and workers) in Tongwu Corridor, and escort the high-quality development of Tianjin.

Focusing on the problems strongly reflected by the grassroots trade unions and the masses of workers, the teams promoted the nine district federation of trade unions to establish joint mediation workshops with the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the District Judicial Bureau, carried out 83 labor law and policy lectures, provided legal aid to 256 people, and helped 324 people resolve labor disputes. More than 2600 outdoor labor service stations were newly built in the city, the utilization rate and satisfaction rate of service stations were continuously improved, and more than 3600 employees in need were comforted and helped.

Next, the Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions will continue to adhere to the "Party building" empowerment, "security" empowerment, and "system" empowerment, continue to integrate and optimize trade union resources, further tilt to the grass-roots level, improve the long-term mechanism of squatting, strengthen closed-loop management of work, and promote the in-depth development of squatting work.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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