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Zhejiang Provincial Federation of Trade Unions Held a Report Meeting on the Work of Cadres Going to Grassroots

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-07-03 16:51

CAMCEN has changed its style, improved its ability and sought for practical results. On the morning of June 30, the Zhejiang Provincial Federation of Trade Unions held a report meeting on the work of cadres going to the grass-roots level to exchange views on the work of cadres from the provincial Federation of Trade Unions going to the grass-roots level. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to do a solid job in the "second half of the article" of the spot survey, and use the survey results to promote the work of trade unions to solve problems and improve the effectiveness.

Dong Jianwei, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and Secretary of the Party Committee of the directly affiliated organ presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Shen Tuzhong, Deputy Leader of the 14th Tour Steering Group of the Provincial Party Committee on Theme Education, attended the meeting for guidance. Lu Ying, Lu Wei, He Yonghao, Sun Guizhong, and Zhou Xiaobing, leaders of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, attended the meeting. At the meeting, six squatting groups made exchange speeches on the implementation of their own grass-roots squatting work.

Since the provincial federation of trade union cadres went to the grass-roots level to work in 2021, after continuous deepening and promotion, it has become a "Zhegong" brand with Zhejiang trade union recognition and widely recognized by all walks of life, effectively promoting trade union cadres to effectively change their work style, go to the grass-roots level, go to the masses of workers, understand the actual situation of grass-roots workers, and help solve problems, Enhance the feelings with the staff and workers, educate and guide the staff and workers to listen to and follow the Party, and truly play the role of the trade union as a bridge. This year, thematic education has given it new connotation and new tasks, requiring all working groups to carry out in-depth investigation and research, follow the idea of traceability to promote practice, consciously use the Party's innovative theory to study and solve new situations and problems faced by trade union work, and promote work to solve problems and improve results.

Through face to face lectures over and over again, the majority of employees are encouraged to participate in the hot practice of entrepreneurship; Close flesh and blood contact with the staff and workers through intimate exchanges; At the exchange meeting, six groups of comrades demonstrated their own labor experience and ideological gains in the form of PPT, written reports, etc., and deeply explored the relevant cases in various regions in carrying out the "Keep the Red Root · Ten Minutes Before Shift Activity", and reported on the construction of the demonstration area of trade union assistance for common prosperity Further strengthen the research results of the construction of trade unions at the county level in mountainous island counties. Picture after picture, sentence after sentence from the heart, let people fully feel the physical and mental involvement of trade union cadres in their research, and the profound and far-reaching thinking.

The meeting pointed out that the work of each team not only reflected the commonness of "focusing on the theme, focusing on the main business, in-depth research, and focusing on the main responsibility to practice the service", but also highlighted the characteristics of tracking the source with thickness, promoting the work with strength, subject research with depth, work station with height, service grassroots with temperature, and research work with breadth, so as to truly achieve squatting down, sinking to the bottom Solve difficult problems and really exercise the expected goals. The meeting required each team to follow up the relevant problem solving and work progress of the team, promote the transformation of research results, and truly achieve results; Relevant departments and offices should do a good job in the statistics, research reports, work summary and submission, and timely do a good job in the selection of "Best Achievement Award" and "Excellent Individual".

Heads of all departments of the provincial federation of trade unions, industrial trade unions stationed in the federation, technical associations and network centers, and members of the team of directly affiliated units attended the meeting.

(Zhejiang Workers Daily Reporter Li Guofeng)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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