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The working group of the Federation of Trade Unions of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region visited the primary school in the industrial park

Source: Worker Daily Client
2023-06-01 07:28

Original title: The work group of the Federation of Trade Unions of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region visited the primary school in the industrial park

Worker's Daily - Pang Huimin, reporter of China Industrial Network Correspondent Liu Zhongchao and Mai Shanjun

"I am very grateful to the uncles and aunts of the trade union for the holiday gifts they have brought us, which makes this year's Children's Day very meaningful..." On May 30, when the "June 1" International Children's Day is coming, The work team of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions went to Guiping Chang'an Industrial Park in Guigang City to work together with the Guiping Federation of Trade Unions to carry out the activities of caring for the children of the staff and workers in the primary school of Guiping Chang'an Industrial Park, and the "June 1st" Children's Day condolences activities, and sent the children gifts and blessings of the festival.

A total of 187 students, all of whom are children of employees from Chang'an Industrial Park, were visited in this activity. The working group of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Autonomous Region sent schoolbags, pens and other 12000 yuan worth of school supplies to the children, encouraging them to establish lofty ideals, cultivate good morality, strive to grow into talents, and create happiness through labor. Parents of staff and workers were also invited to participate in the event to celebrate the "June 1st" with their children.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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