Zhonggong Entertainment

Through role experience, we really realized the hardships of takeaway riders——

Keeping a diary | One day delivery, two people earn 45 yuan in total

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2023-05-31 07:43

[squatting diary]

Original title: Through role experience, we really realized the hardships of takeaway riders - (introduction)

Free one day take out, two people earn a total of 45 yuan (theme)

Tang Ruchen

Monday, May 15, sunny

Put on work clothes, helmets, and electric vehicles. Today, all the comrades of the General Manager's work team in Zhejiang Jiashan went to carry out the professional experience of delivery staff.

Unfortunately, I can't ride an electric bicycle, so I can only work as a dispatcher at the station. Two other male comrades in the squatting group act as "delivery boys", responsible for "riding a small electric donkey and delivering delivery to home".

Today's temperature is 35 ℃, which is the highest since we came to Jiashan. At 4 p.m., two "takeaway boys" from the working group returned. As soon as they entered the room, they took off their helmets and sweated. From 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the two people sent 15 orders in total. According to the calculation of 4.6 yuan earned for one order, except for 3 orders of overtime delivery, they were fined 6 yuan, and a cup of milk tea overturned was compensated 18 yuan. On this day, they earned 45 yuan in total.

On this day, the biggest feeling of the two people who travel around the city is "not easy". "You have a new order..." As soon as the order prompt sound comes from your mobile phone, you often get on the electric bike without drinking water and rush to the next stop without stopping. As both of them are novices, they sometimes have trouble finding businesses and unit doors. Some communities are not allowed to enter by bike, and running in such large communities makes their clothes wet. On the way to deliver food, you will encounter the situation of being blinded by flying insects. "If I didn't have good cycling skills, I almost fell down and had an accident."

In addition to facing difficulties such as traffic congestion, extreme weather, and navigation errors, the two "takeaway boys" also have to bear the pressure of impatience from businesses, complaints from consumers, or poor reviews. As a dispatcher, I received such a complaint phone call. The customer gave a poor comment to the rider because of the slow delivery of food due to the extra order added by the customer. If the poor comment is true, the rider will be fined, deducted points and demoted. The rider was also very aggrieved. After my patient communication and mediation, the customer finally canceled the unreasonable negative comments.

Every industry has its own difficulties. The takeaway rider is not afraid of the wind and rain, and runs hard on the road of struggle with the dream of life. In fact, they need more understanding and understanding.

Today, in our role experience and confiding chatter, we really understand the ups and downs of takeaway riders, the practical difficulties and needs they face, which provides us with first-hand research materials to further safeguard the rights and interests of workers in the new form of employment, and opens up working ideas. Next, our team will continue to promote the establishment and membership of the Association in the field of new forms of employment, do good deeds, do practical things, solve problems for workers in new forms of employment, and be the "mother family" of workers.

(Author's unit: Social Liaison Department of the General Assembly)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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