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Qinghai Trade Union Strives to Push the Work to Grassroots Level

Source: Worker Daily Client
2023-05-22 13:46

Original title: Qinghai Trade Union Strives to Push Work at Grassroots Level to Go Deeply and Practically

Worker's Daily - Xingshengxiang, reporter of China Industrial Network

The reporter learned from the Qinghai Provincial Federation of Trade Unions recently that this year, in close connection with the special work of the "Year of Strengthening County level Trade Unions", the Qinghai Trade Union seriously organized and implemented the activities of leading cadres of trade unions to go to the grass-roots level to truly solve a number of problems, do a number of practical things, form a number of achievements, exercise a number of cadres, continue to consolidate the foundation of grass-roots organizations, and constantly enhance the vitality of trade unions.

In order to promote the work of leading cadres of trade unions to go to the grass-roots level to work in depth, the Qinghai Federation of Trade Unions requires them to go to the grass-roots level to go to the villages and towns (streets), development zones (industrial parks), and regional and industrial trade union federations below the county level to carry out work. The provincial and municipal federation of trade unions is generally required to send 3% to 5% of government cadres to the grass-roots level.

It is reported that the leading organs of Qinghai Trade Union have stationed cadres in the grassroots trade unions and the masses of workers, and extensively carried out publicity and propaganda activities with characteristics, grounding and popularity, so that the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress is closer to the workers and their hearts. Promote the implementation of various theme education deployed by the CPC Central Committee, deepen the publicity and education of the theme of "China Dream · Labor Beauty", vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, and guide and promote the construction of a healthy, civilized, uplifting and full participation staff culture.

At the same time, the trade union cadres stick to the mode of "key construction, industry construction, and bottom covering construction", actively assist local and industry trade unions to carry out the construction of trade unions against leading enterprises and key enterprises, and strive to organize new forms of employment workers such as truck drivers, online car hailing drivers, couriers, and delivery delivery workers into the trade union. At the same time, adhere to the territorial management and the combination of online and offline, implement the system of leading cadres leading the whole team for key units that have not established trade unions, promote the establishment of trade unions and the admission of workers, and promote the elimination of blind spots and gaps in the establishment of trade unions; For those units that have established trade unions, we will help improve the system and mechanism, make up for weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses, and constantly improve the level of standardized construction of grass-roots trade unions.

In addition, strengthen the communication with the party and government leaders of the squatting units, deeply understand the production and operation status of the enterprise, understand the expected concerns of employees, timely grasp the focus of labor relations and the ideological trends of employees in the squatting units, strive for resources and means inside and outside the trade union in many ways, and strive to promote the solution of problems involving the vital interests of employees, especially the difficult relief Such urgent and anxious problems as job transfer and employment, wages and social security, rest and vacation, labor safety and health, rights and interests of female workers, etc.

The relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Qinghai Federation of Trade Unions said that this year, the work of squatting will be an important platform for training and training government officials, especially young officials, and the work of squatting on the front line will be an important position for training and training government officials. We will improve the incentive and assessment mechanism for squatting officials, make sure that government officials can see the world at the grass-roots level, and survive the trials and tribulations in urgent and dangerous tasks, Be at the forefront of service staff.

It is reported that the working groups of Qinghai Trade Union, focusing on the five tasks of "strengthening political guidance, promoting the establishment of trade union membership, strengthening rights protection services, building harmonious labor relations, and improving the level of service for workers", closely combined with the actual work of local trade unions and the special work of "the year of strengthening trade unions at the county level", have formulated a timetable and a road map, Actively complete various work tasks.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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