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2023 Hebei Master Craftsman | Gao Dianliang: Craftsmanship and craftsmanship are displayed between square inches

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-05-10 07:43

Gao Dianliang, the founder of Chinese paper-cut painting. His works have won gold and silver in national paper-cut art festivals, competitions and exhibitions for many times, and have been collected by national museums. On the basis of inheriting the traditional paper-cut skills, he boldly innovated, carried out innovative work from multiple levels of content, form, and technical methods, created 20 series of more than 30000 paper-cut varieties, and the products sold well in nearly 100 countries and regions, constantly filling the gap in Yuxian paper-cut, and was successively awarded the first level master of arts and crafts in Hebei Province and the first batch of world intangible cultural heritage (Yuxian paper-cut) in Hebei Province

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"Yuxian paper-cut is the only stippling paper-cut in China that focuses on intaglio, supplemented by sun engraving. Among the four processes of fumigation, rippling, engraving and dyeing, the process of 'engraving' is the most difficult, which is also the aspect that Yuxian paper-cut is different from other paper-cut." Walk into the Gaodianliang paper-cut studio located on the first floor of the comprehensive building of Yuxian Vocational Education Center, Gao Dianliang is introducing the process of Yuxian paper-cut to students one by one. "Yuxian paper-cut uses' carving 'instead of' cutting ', and must choose the best The rice paper is carved with a small sharp arrowhead knife. "

Carefully observe Gao Dianliang's hands. The thumb of his right hand is significantly fatter than that of his left One lap. In his opinion, this is the best witness from a craftsman to a craftsman.

"A piece of rice paper, through the understanding of the craftsman, penetrates into the arrowhead knife in the hand, and finally becomes a favorite work of the people, which is the most intuitive embodiment of beauty." In Gao Dianliang's view, his ingenuity is to let Yuxian paper-cut into every household, make people's life artistic, and let Live art.

At the age of 6, Gao Dianliang learned to make window decorations under the inspiration of his mother, and gradually mastered the art of Yuxian paper-cut carving and dyeing. He sold window decorations all over the streets of Yuxian. After carefully investigating the patterns and history of local traditional paper-cut, he finally chose to specialize in this industry, Nearly fifty Years.

"My skill is to be able to 50 cm wide rice paper root Lines, letting The character's whiskers are deeply fleshy and lifelike. " Over the years, Gao Dianliang's works of design and creation It has won gold and silver in the national paper-cut art festival, competition and exhibition, and many excellent works It is collected by national museums. two thousand and fifteen In, Gao Dianliang witnessed the bid for the Winter Olympics in Malaysia And participated in the emblem of Beijing Winter Olympic Games and Winter Paralympic Games Design of Production and press conference, so far, as the inheritor of Yuxian paper-cut and Beijing's bid for the Winter Olympics Witness, Gao Dianliang brought Yuxian paper-cut to a broader stage.

On February 4, 2022, at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, when the Olympic anthem "Olympic Anthem" sounded on the stage, people were fascinated by the childish singing of children in Fuping, and were also attracted by the exquisite patterns on the performance clothes, especially the Yuxian paper-cut used on the front of the clothes The traditional pattern "tiger head" impressed many viewers.

"The development of traditional art cannot be separated from the recognition of the market and the inheritance of skills." As the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, Gao Dianliang attaches great importance to the inheritance and development of Yuxian paper-cut And academic research.

As early as 1984, Gao Dianliang set up the first private paper-cut factory in Yuxian County. He took apprenticeship in teaching with an open attitude and cultivated more than 300 paper-cut for the whole paper-cut industry in Yuxian County New artists have promoted the prosperity and development of the whole Yuxian paper-cut industry.

In July 2011, Gao Dianliang and Yuxian Vocational Education Center jointly established China Yuxian Paper Cutting Art School, which has trained nearly 1000 new students, including paper cutting enthusiasts of all ages, art teachers in primary and secondary schools, paper cutting majors in art schools, paper cutting artists from all over the country Famous scholars and foreign friends.

Innovation is the life of paper-cut art, which is what Gao Dianliang often said. In March 2015, under the leadership of Gao Dianliang, many folk craft artists created A new team - "Gao Dianliang Paper Cutting Art Innovation Studio" was established, and the studio was established quarterly Carry out concentrated research activities, and develop new products according to the research content and technical needs of the subject Communication and discussion on development, technological breakthrough, scientific and technological innovation, etc.

Driven by Gao Dianliang's innovation, paper-cut has become a new carrier of art. It is reported that giving new life to the paper-cut art stems from Gao Dianliang's bold innovation on the basis of inheriting the traditional paper-cut skills and carrying out innovative work from multiple levels of content, form and technical methods. "From opera masks, ancient figures, auspicious birds and animals, flowers, birds, fish and insects, and folk customs, we have gradually expanded to more than 30000 varieties in 20 major series, including Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, scenic spots, famous works, calligraphy and painting, cartoon animation, and exotic customs. Our products sell well in nearly 100 countries and regions, all of which are inseparable from innovation." Gao Dianliang said, Art without innovation has no vitality. Through careful research and combined with the theme of the times, the innovation studio has successively developed innovative new art products such as calendars, greeting card gift books, picture frames and scrolls, Constantly fill the gap of Yuxian paper-cut.

The corridor of the training school shows the development history of Yuxian paper-cut, from simple traditional window patterns to sophisticated modern paper-cut paintings, in which Gao Dianliang plays a role Plays an important role.

"The traditional Yuxian paper-cut relies on the image of window decorations and is limited by the influence of technology and materials. It is easy to fade and difficult to preserve for a long time, which greatly reduces the artistry of the works." To solve this problem, Gao Dianliang explored new techniques and methods in other art forms through visits and research from 2012 to 2017. In the continuous attempt, we finally chose the form of stippling and color painting, combining Yuxian paper-cut techniques with the colors of traditional murals, so as to upgrade the expression form of Yuxian paper-cut to Chinese paper-cut and break through paper-cut Color, not permanent collection problems.

In the paper-cut school, traditional art meets young students, and a small "chug" sound sounds in the children's hands when the paper is broken. Seeing the children who were seriously learning paper-cut skills, Gao Dianliang showed a happy smile. An industry leader removes the thorns ahead one by one, so that more people can know and love paper-cut, and finally bring this art to A new world.

"The future of Yuxian paper-cut is not nostalgia, but based on the present, on the basis of inheriting the traditional craft, integrating new connotation with the times, taking art as the carrier, and demonstrating cultural confidence in the form of 'grounding'." Gao Dianliang said that his work has just begun for the inheritance of Yuxian paper-cut, and the craftsman spirit of excellence will keep Yuxian paper-cut forever Vigorous vitality, growing in the market competition. (Contributed by Hebei Federation of Trade Unions)

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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