Zhonggong Entertainment

Liu Zhonghua Practises the Unique Skill of Space Watch Lubricating Oil Point——

Unity and Struggle to Start a New Situation, Welcoming the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union, the Song of Laborers | A "Silk" and Meticulous "Time Craftsman"

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2023-04-29 07:37

[Unity and Struggle to Start a New Situation, Welcoming the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union, the Song of Laborers]

Original title: Liu Zhonghua Practises the Unique Skill of Lubricating Oil Spotting Technology for Space Watch - (Introduction)

A meticulous "time craftsman" of "silk" (theme)

Worker's Daily - Liu Youting, reporter of China Industrial Network

Sitting in front of the workbench, Liu Zhonghua wore a set of white overalls and magnifying glasses. His thumbs, index fingers and middle fingers were wrapped with white rubber finger covers. He held the watch center in one hand, and held the tweezers in the other hand to firmly clamp the small parts, and put them into the center one by one

Tick tock, tick tock...... The mind "jumps". Liu Zhonghua put the repaired ingenuity to his ear, closed his eyes and listened to the moving melody. "It's like the sound of the heart beating, and I am the doctor who gives it life, and I have a sense of achievement." From the clock repairman, the head of the maintenance team, to the technical line leader and technical consultant of the assembly department, Liu Zhonghua is now the chief technician of the skill master studio of Shenzhen Feiyada Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Feiyada), It is known as the first person in the domestic aerospace watch lubricating oil point technology.

One "silk" is meticulous

In April 1990, Liu Zhonghua, who graduated from high school, caught up with Feiyada to recruit workers in Jiexi, Guangdong, and became a watchmaker.

"You have to be skillful to install a watch. At the beginning, I could shake my hands even the most basic clamping parts," Liu Zhonghua recalled.

The console on one side has become the site of Liu Zhonghua's polishing skills. He practices clamping parts on the console for more than 10 hours every day and breaks many needle shafts. With the accumulation of experience, his technology has become more and more skilled - from the common quartz watch to the expensive master style, he is skillful in assembling.

In 2002, Liu Zhonghua completed the disassembly and assembly of two quartz hearts in 3 minutes in the watch assembler competition of the Fourth Shenzhen Workers' Technical Games, and won the individual and group championship. In the same year, he participated in the national mechanical watch maintenance competition and won the silver medal.

"The accuracy of the mechanical watch depends on the debugging level of the master." Liu Zhonghua told reporters that the measurement unit of the clock's accuracy is not mm, but "silk". How thin is the silk? About one eighth the diameter of a hair. Holding the tweezers and pushing them, he can judge whether the parts of the mechanical watch in his hand have moved 1 wire or 2 wires by feeling.

"A good watchmaker should be precise in every aspect of debugging, and be meticulous and meticulous," Liu Zhonghua said.

The first person in the oil dispensing process of space watch

In 2003, Feiyada undertook the task of developing the aerospace watch for China's manned space project, in which Liu Zhonghua participated, mainly responsible for the adjustment of the center of the machine and the assembly of the watch. In order to assemble thousands of scattered parts into a complete watch, he repeatedly tested and debugged.

The space watch is provided for astronauts to time, and should be able to adapt to various use scenarios of astronauts such as takeoff, landing, flight, and extravehicular walking. After completing the assembly task of Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI space watches, in 2005, Liu Zhonghua's team faced another challenge - making the space watch for Shenzhou VII mission. This time, the space watch will be completely exposed in the space environment, and can withstand the ultra-low temperature environment of minus 80 degrees Celsius.

"It is the key to find lubricating oil suitable for ultra-low temperature environment." Liu Zhonghua said that the R&D team has conducted a lot of tests to find suitable lubricating oil. After testing dozens of lubricating oils in the watch oil, they only found the lubricating oil that can withstand minus 50 ℃. Later, Liu Zhonghua and other research and development members realized that they must get out of the limitation of clock oil and start to study all lubricants involved in the aerospace industry, comprehensively comparing molecular weight, surface tension, viscosity, volatilization time and other indicators. After many attempts, a suitable lubricating oil was finally found.

"This kind of special oil requires a special process, which is very difficult." Liu Zhonghua introduced that the bearing drill of the space watch center is a bowl shaped opening, and the opening is where the oil is stored. The amount of oil to be applied should be just right - less can not play a role in lubrication, more will overflow. After repeated polishing, he became the first person in China to apply lubricating oil to aerospace watches.

Cultivate new "old timemaker"

After overcoming the difficulty of Shenzhou VII lubricating oil, Liu Zhonghua successively undertook the key work of Shenzhou series related space watch center transformation, assembly and commissioning at Feiyada, and successfully delivered 18 batches of space watches. After 33 years in the industry, he has become a top old watchmaker, and won the honors of Shenzhen Model Worker, South Guangdong Craftsman, National Technical Expert, etc.

At the same time of refining technology, Liu Zhonghua also devotes himself to training a new generation of "watchmakers". In 2016, "Shenzhen Liu Zhonghua Master Studio of Precision Timing Manufacturing Skills" was set up. When young people come to the master studio to learn and exchange, he always imparts experience and skills unreservedly; At ordinary times, he would go into the workshop to supervise the assembly workers' practical operation and on-site teaching. Under the leadership of Liu Zhonghua, a good learning atmosphere has been formed in the company's skill team, and a number of skill backbones have grown rapidly. According to statistics, he has trained 3 senior maintenance personnel, 10 intermediate maintenance personnel and 14 junior maintenance personnel for the company and industry.

This year, Liu Zhonghua won the National May Day Labor Medal. "The times are changing, and the craftsman spirit cannot change, so we need to stick to it all the time," he said.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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