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The launch ceremony of the "annual figure of the great craftsman" in 2022 triggered heated discussion among the staff and workers in Tibet

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-03-03 10:13

On the evening of February 28, the CCTV comprehensive channel broadcast the launch ceremony of the 2022 "Annual Figures of Great Power Craftsmen" jointly organized by the All China Federation of Trade Unions and China National Radio and Television, and 10 "Annual Figures of Great Power Craftsmen" were officially announced.

Mother Yongqi, the shield machine operator of China Railway Tunnel Bureau Group recommended by the Tibet Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions, stood out and was successfully elected as the first major craftsman in Tibet. The Federation of Trade Unions of the Tibet Autonomous Region organized trade unions and workers at all levels to watch the ceremony.

Through watching the touching story of "great craftsman", the staff of Tibet Julong Copper Mining Area said that they would be down-to-earth, diligent and conscientious in their future work, learn to practice the quality of "great craftsman", strive for excellence and pursue excellence, be busy with their work, never deviate from each other, concentrate on production, and combine ingenuity bit by bit, Every word and deed is handed down from generation to generation, realizing their own value in their own positions, and contributing to the high-quality development of the company.

The staff of Linzhi Federation of Trade Unions said that the touching stories of "great country craftsmen" vividly showed that only those who love their own duties, are down-to-earth, diligent, conscientious, conscientious, and strive for perfection can achieve something and expand the value of life. Each of us is a craftsman in our own industry, and we all need craftsman spirit. We should learn from the "great country craftsman", their unremitting spirit and unswerving goal, and strive to become a pillar of the country and an industry elite.

Through this watch, the enthusiasm for entrepreneurship of employees in the Production and Operation Department of Lhasa Nuoxin Gas and Heat Co., Ltd. was further stimulated, and a good atmosphere was created for labor to create greatness and strive to achieve dreams. Everyone said that in the next work, we should follow the example of the "great craftsman", learn from the craftsman's deeds, inherit the craftsman's spirit, firmly establish the efficiency awareness of "it is too late today, and it is too late tomorrow", and strive to contribute our wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of the company.

Yao Lina, the national model worker and Tibet Ganlu Tibetan Medicine Industry Group Co., Ltd., said, "Watching the release ceremony of the" annual figures of great country craftsmen ", I felt a surge of blood in my heart. The craftsmen, with their superb skills, were amazed and excited. They loved their duties, were down-to-earth, diligent, conscientious and dutiful, and worked tirelessly to create miracles. As a model worker, I should learn from them the spirit of perseverance, establish my own goals, and improve my professional skills. I should take the craftsman spirit as the driving force, base myself on my own work, and be brave, brave, and good at taking responsibility. To truly master extraordinary skills in ordinary work, make a career and give back to the society. "

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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