Zhonggong Entertainment

[Taking notes] It's not easy to understand the difficulties of sanitation workers

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-07-12 14:55

Research Office of the Federation of Trade Unions of Tibet Autonomous Region Tian Hao

In accordance with the requirements of the Notice of the Association of Trade Unions of Tibet Autonomous Region on Cadres' Contact and Guidance at the Grass roots Level in 2022 and Work Arrangement for Staying at the Site, we actively responded to the living experience of front-line workers who "trade union cadres work as workers in enterprises, sanitation workers, and urban management workers". Some time ago, I went to Xiaozhaosi as an sanitation worker to experience their work and life.

When I got up at 5:00 that morning, I took a taxi with full enthusiasm and confidence to start my new day in the cleaning responsibility area where the contact person of this experience is located. However, on my way to Xiaozhao Temple, I saw the sanitation workers riding electric bikes on the road, and I couldn't help feeling ashamed. In this season, although Lhasa is not cold, the temperature in the morning can still make people shiver. Think about our sanitation workers all the year round. Whether it's raining or snowing, they have to go to work like this in the morning. But I said that I want to experience the work and life of sanitation workers. I am ashamed that I can't keep pace with them even when I go to work.

When I arrived at my destination, my sense of shame increased. I thought I would go to work at six o'clock, but the road in front of Xiaozhao Temple has been cleaned and garbage has been piled together for centralized treatment. Before dawn, looking at the orange and shiny backs of the sanitation workers, I sorted out my emotions, strengthened my confidence, found our team leader, received cleaning equipment and listened to the task arrangement.

According to the group leader's arrangement, I came to the second half of Xiaozhaosi Street to start my day's work - dumping garbage. Looking at piles of garbage, I didn't know where to start. Under the patient guidance of the sanitation workers, I used a shovel to shovel the garbage onto the sacks, then packed the sacks and carried them to the garbage truck. In the process of cleaning up garbage, I know that this is not only physical work, but also requires strong endurance in addition to strong strength. Although I wear a mask, it has little effect. The pungent smell still makes me feel uncomfortable.

After cleaning up the garbage, my task is to clean the street every other time to keep the street clean. At noon, the sun was very strong and the temperature was slightly higher than usual. When I cleaned the street to find a place to rest, I found that there were fewer places to rest in this crowded street, and even fewer places to shade. At this time, I realized the difficulty of sanitation workers. Our experience time is only one day, while the sanitation workers repeat the same work day after day, year after year, rain or shine.

This experience gives me the opportunity to exercise and grow. It not only provides us with a platform for exercise, but also urges and inspires us to be proactive, ambitious, dedicated and self dedicated.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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