Zhonggong Entertainment

Gansu Huating Federation of Trade Unions: create a "labor union post station" to call for a service brand

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-03-23 20:40

There is water to drink when thirsty, cool when hot, and warm when cold... These so-called little things are the most practical livelihood projects. Walking into the business hall of the mobile company in South Street, Huating City, Gansu Province, we have water dispensers, medicine boxes, umbrellas, free WiFi, charging equipment, etc. This is a "labor union post station" built by the Huating Federation of Trade Unions, which effectively helped outdoor workers solve the problems of drinking water, hot meals, resting feet, toileting, etc., and really felt the warm service of the "mother family" of the labor union.

In recent years, the Huating Federation of Trade Unions has actively practiced the people centered development idea, integrated social resources, and successively built six flexible and distinctive "trade union posts" for outdoor workers, such as Wantong Transportation Industry Co., Ltd. and Western Suburb Community, committed to solving the practical difficulties of outdoor workers and other groups, and constantly improving the sense of gain, happiness sense of security. This year, three demonstration and standard "labor union post stations" will be built at the gas station in Ankou Logistics Park, Huating People's Square, and Ankou servers on Tianping Expressway, gradually realizing the full coverage of all towns and streets (communities) in the city.

(According to the Gansu Workers' Daily, Gao Wei)

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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