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Shaanxi Trade Union's Work in Sitting on Site Achieves Actual Results in Achieving Full Coverage

Source: China Industrial Network
2021-11-25 15:21

According to the Shaanxi Workers' Daily, the reporter learned from the Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions on the 24th that since the Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions took the lead in launching work among the national provincial trade unions on May 11 this year, the provincial, municipal and county trade union organs have sent 241 working groups, 264 leading cadres, 724 cadres, and 505 working sites, Significant achievements have been made in achieving full coverage of 11 cities (districts) and 107 counties (districts) in the province.

Staying down at work is an important measure to keep close contact with the staff and workers, deepen the foundation of trade unions, and consolidate the class foundation and mass foundation of the Party's long-term governance. Guo Dawei, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, gave instructions at the start of this work: we should continue to work hard, first, we should really squat, second, we should squat out results, expand one point to another, and promote the overall work. The trade unions at all levels in the province responded positively and acted quickly, sending competent cadres to the streets (towns and townships), parks and enterprises. Each team can focus on key work, analyze and solve grass-roots problems, and strive to achieve "three efforts": seize the key points, and strive to expand organizational and work coverage; Participate from the source and strive to improve the working mechanism of rights protection service; Devote ourselves to service and strive to do a good job of warm hearted practical affairs.

In view of the difficulties in the establishment of new forms of employment for workers, the provincial, urban (county) and district (county) working groups continued to work at three levels to promote the establishment of 12 municipal trade union federations of express, logistics, home economics and other industries in Xi'an, Baoji, Xianyang, Yulin, Shangluo and other places, and promote the establishment of 979 new grass-roots trade union organizations, covering 2110 enterprises, with 69400 new members, Among them, 41400 workers in new forms of employment. The Provincial Federation of Trade Unions has allocated more than 47 million yuan for new employment workers' membership and service guarantee, employment of social workers and guarantee of street (town and township) work funds.

In order to promote the system innovation and guarantee from the source, on the basis of the research of each team, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, in conjunction with the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Non public Economic Organizations and Social Organizations in the New Era "Party Building Takes the Lead in Construction and Construction Services", Ten departments, including the Provincial Department of Transport, issued the Implementation Plan on Ensuring the Legitimate Rights and Interests of the Group of Couriers, and the Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of the Trade Union Organization in the Express Industry of the Province, jointly with the Provincial Postal Administration, to promote the formation of a working pattern of the party, government and workers in the province working together to safeguard their rights and interests.

In combination with activities such as "I do practical things for the masses" and "Trade unions enter thousands of homes", the team at all levels paid a concentrated visit to 151200 worker groups such as labor models, large country craftsmen, front-line personnel for epidemic prevention and control, and builders of the 14th National Games, comforted and helped 13070 workers in need, publicized 526 labor laws, regulations and policies, provided 6314 legal aid, and resolved 657 labor disputes, It is widely welcomed by the grassroots workers.

During the squatting period, the trade unions at all levels and the squatting groups focused on the problem of "urgent difficulties and anxieties" of the staff and workers, and called for the "ten ten thousand" action of Shaanxi trade unions to serve the staff and workers: to provide 10000 front-line workers with health care, legal services, vocational skills training, and home delivery classes, Ten thousand workers were issued with the "National Trade Union E-worker Bookstore Reading Card", ten thousand workers were provided with marriage and dating services, ten thousand members of the "eight groups" were provided with mutual assistance security, ten thousand migrant workers were given free physical examination, ten thousand sanitation workers were given micro wishes, and ten thousand workers were paired with "making friends and helping". The Provincial Federation of Trade Unions also allocated a special amount of 210000 yuan for the "cool off" activities held by the organ's squatting group. At the beginning of this month, the activity of "Warm Action Service Month for Workers in New Employment Forms" was launched in an all-round way, to be the "mother family" and intimate person of workers, and to promote the quality and efficiency of the overall work by squatting work. (Yan Ruixian, reporter of Shaanxi Workers' Daily)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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