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Jiangsu Suqian Trade Union Cadres Go to Grassroots

Source: China Industrial Network
2021-09-24 11:28

According to the Jiangsu Workers' Daily, Yang Mingqiang, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Suqian Municipal People's Congress and Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Wu Xiaoyu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and others recently went to Siyang County to carry out squatting activities, which opened the curtain for the city's trade union system cadres to go to the grassroots.

Yang Mingqiang and his entourage successively came to Siyang Shenjiu Home Textile Fabric Co., Ltd., Chuancheng Dongli Huatian Fresh cut Flower Base, etc., carefully inquired about the relevant responsible persons of the enterprises that have established associations about the construction of trade union organizations, the construction of workers' cultural activity positions, enterprise operation, etc., provided on-site guidance for the existing deficiencies, and proposed improvement measures; Hold a staff forum to talk with front-line workers about the implementation of wages, labor protection and other aspects.

"What is the current situation of the enterprise development?" "How about the wages and salaries of employees?" "What activities do the trade unions carry out?" "Is the training of employees carried out normally?" "How about the welfare of employees?" "What opinions and suggestions do you have for the work of the superior trade unions?" These questions involve the vital interests of enterprises and employees.

"Can the development zone and the park build a large comprehensive cultural and sports activity site for workers in the cultural palace nearby?" "Can you help enterprise model workers and skilled talents give guidance on promotion?" "Can you carry out star rating for grassroots trade unions?" "Can you appropriately increase the opportunities for professional knowledge training and mutual exchange of grassroots trade union cadres?" The opinions and calls from the staff and workers and grassroots trade union cadres are full of expectations.

It is reported that the Suqian Federation of Trade Unions will form five working groups to carry out squatting activities at the grass-roots level. The selected squatting units are mainly non-public enterprises, small and micro enterprises that are relatively concentrated, with complex labor relations and weak labor union work foundation in towns (streets), development zones (industrial parks), and regional and industrial trade unions below the county level. The cumulative working time of each working group shall not be less than 2 months. (Correspondent Li Xiuwang, reporter Ding Binbin of Jiangsu Workers' Daily)

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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