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The Sixth Working Group of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Tibet Autonomous Region went to Naqu to carry out research work

Source: China Industrial Network
2021-08-12 17:33

In order to carry out in-depth learning and education on the history of the Party and solve practical problems for the grass-roots level and workers, according to the work arrangement of the All China Federation of Trade Unions and the Tibet Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions on the work of cadres going to the grass-roots level for squatting activities, from August 6, Dan Yonglam, a member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Autonomous Region, led a team to Naqu to carry out squatting research activities.

During the survey, the research team went deep into Bangor, Anduo and other areas in the west of Naqu, where the altitude is the highest, the conditions are the most bitter and the climate is the worst. They listened to the report on the work of the trade union, visited the enterprises and workers on the spot to understand their work and life, listened to the voice of grass-roots workers, and expressed condolences to front-line workers and needy workers.

In Bangor County, which has an average altitude of 4700 meters, the research team learned that due to the weak county economy, the hardware needs of cadres and workers for living and working in cold and high altitude areas cannot be fully met, and the whole county has no tap water at home, so the problem of drinking water and water supply has not been solved; Most of the cadres and workers in the county still have some practical difficulties and have not participated in rehabilitation activities and related training activities.

In the first shift in the world, which is known as the "life restricted zone", the oxygen content in the air here is only 45% of the sea level. The research team learned that many road protection workers suffer from altitude diseases such as high hemoglobin, high blood pressure and heart disease due to long-term work in an oxygen deficient environment. At the same time, it is difficult to buy medicine and leave children unattended.

On the basis of full investigation and understanding of the situation, Dan Yong Ram said that investigation and research is the basis of planning and the way to achieve success. Correct decision-making cannot be separated from investigation and research, and correct implementation cannot be separated from investigation and research. This spot investigation is a powerful measure to deepen the reform and innovation of trade unions and create a new situation in trade union work. We should take this opportunity to go deeper into the grassroots and enterprises, closely connect with the masses of workers, find and solve problems, truly play the role of trade unions as a bridge between the Party and the masses of workers, and consolidate the class foundation and mass foundation of the Party's long-term governance.

In this investigation, the investigation team issued a total of 38000 yuan of consolation money to 9 municipal and county (district) enterprise trade unions, 2 public security checkpoints, 2 road teams (3 work areas), 8 needy workers and 2 front-line workers. (Han Penghui)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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