Zhonggong Entertainment

With enthusiasm, warmth, service and care, the "heart door" of riders is opened step by step to attract them to join the club——

[Staying Diary] From being rejected to entering

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2021-06-29 07:30

[squatting diary]

Original title: With enthusiasm, warmth, service and care, step by step open the "heart door" of riders to attract them to join the club - (introduction)

From being rejected to entering (theme)

Liu Jianxin

Wednesday, June 16, sunny

It has been more than a month since the working group arrived in Shenzhen on May 17 to carry out squatting activities in Minzhi Street, Longhua District. Now, there is a "Schedule of Longhua District Meituan Riders Joining the Club" on my desk. The form reads: At present, there are 620 full-time riders in Minzhi Street, and 323 people have joined the club; There are 1566 full-time riders in Longhua District, 495 of whom have joined the club. Looking at the growing data, many scenes emerged in my mind when I promoted the riders to join the club. At that time, some embarrassment and grievances had already dissipated, but now my heart is full of joy.

I still remember that on the second day when we came to Shenzhen, we took part in the work of promoting riders to join the club early in the morning. First, we communicated with the trade union workers in Longhua District and Minzhi Street to figure out the preliminary work ideas. Then, from the afternoon of that day, we visited 7 Meituan rider stations in Minzhi Street.

When we meet the riders face to face, we can see that they have both a lack of understanding of trade unions and a desire to rely on organizations. During the visit, I once met a rider who was leaning on his bike wearily to rest. I went up to him to find out about his work, and he said a lot about the difficulties in his work. For example, I was misunderstood when delivering meals, traffic safety was difficult to guarantee, and I didn't know who to look for when I had problems... I asked him what to do? He shook his head. And asked him if he needed help? He nodded his head vigorously.

After returning to the station, according to the information learned during the visit, the working group discussed with the colleagues of the sub district community trade union, and decided to publicize the trade union to the riders in the sub district based on the riders' station in the civilian street, relying on the members of the working group and the workers of the sub district community trade union.

At first, many riders did not understand, and the riders' site did not support it. The trade union staff were rejected as salesmen when they entered the station for communication. In order to gain the trust of the riders and the support of the management personnel of the riders' site, we actively help coordinate the problems between the riders' site and the community and the community during the work, help the riders to do well in epidemic prevention, vaccination, and provide cooling for the riders. After more than a month of hard work, the riders and managers gradually became enthusiastic about us, and even took the initiative to invite us to come in. This is the reason why we have these gratifying figures on the membership list.

During this activity, I saw the wisdom of the front-line trade union workers in dealing with problems, as well as their selfless dedication and hard work spirit, which is admirable. I also deeply realize that we should use the enthusiasm, warmth, service and care of the trade union people in our work to attract workers, so that we can gradually open their "heart", let them actively join the trade union, and be willing to become members of the trade union family.

(Author's unit: China Machinery Metallurgy Building Materials Trade Union)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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