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Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions Held a Mobilization Meeting for Organ Cadres to Go to Grass roots

Source: China Industrial Network
2021-05-26 09:52

On the afternoon of May 24, the Shaanxi Federation of Trade Unions held a mobilization meeting for government officials to go to the grass-roots level for squatting activities. Zhang Zhongxi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, attended and delivered a speech. Zhang Yongle and Zhao Xia, members of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairmen of Shaanxi Federation of Trade Unions, attended the meeting. Heads of relevant departments of Shaanxi Federation of Trade Unions and cadres going to the grass-roots level participated in the meeting.

The meeting stressed that carrying out the activity of government officials going to the grassroots is an important measure to implement the spirit of the Central Party's mass work conference, earnestly carry out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses", and promote the study and education of party history to go deeper and more practical. Through squatting activities, we should further strengthen our ties with the workers and the masses, deepen the foundation of trade unions, consolidate the class and mass basis of the Party's long-term governance, and give full play to the role of trade unions as the bridge and link between the Party and the workers and the masses.

The meeting required that the cadres who work at the grassroots level should have a high sense of responsibility and full enthusiasm for their work, get down to the ground, go deep into the frontline at the grassroots level, feel the truth, listen to the demands, integrate learning and doing, stay true to work, do practical things, do good things and solve problems for the grassroots trade unions and workers, and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party with outstanding achievements.

At the meeting, specific arrangements were made for this activity. It is reported that 24 cadres in the first round have gone to work in the squatting units. (Reported by Shaanxi Workers' Daily)

Editor in charge: Yin Wenzhuo

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