Zhonggong Entertainment

Song of Laborers | Song Zengguang

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2021-04-29 07:01

[Song of Laborers]

Original title: Song Zengguang, the delivery boy, has witnessed the development of the industry and achieved self achievement in the past six years

"Life will not fail everyone who works hard" (theme)

Worker's Daily - China Industrial Network reporter Qian Peijian Correspondent Li Jiabao

Joined the army of takeaway deliverymen in Shanghai, promoted to the head of the station and took charge of grass-roots management. For more than six years, Song Zengguang, the takeaway boy, witnessed the development of the takeaway industry, deeply felt the joys and sorrows of riding, and also achieved self achievement.

In 2018, Song Zengguang was rated as a model worker in Shanghai and became the first model worker in Shanghai's takeaway industry. This year, he was awarded the National Model Worker. Song Zengguang said that honor not only belongs to himself, but also to every delivery clerk who shuttles between the streets and buildings.

He firmly believes that "life will not let down everyone who works hard."

Song Zengguang (left) talks with the delivery boy.

Establish "professional norms" for riders

In 2014, Song Zengguang, 30, decided to give up his job in his hometown of Jiangsu and come to Shanghai to get together with his wife who worked in Shanghai.

In his first job, Song Zengguang chose to be a delivery boy. "At that time, he thought that this job could quickly adapt to the life in Shanghai and deal with different people."

After some training, Song Zengguang was officially on duty. When a novice goes on the road, he inevitably has many troubles. He overcame one difficulty after another with the determination to "do well now that he has done it". Being unfamiliar with the traffic routes led to delayed delivery of meals, he used the rest time to repeatedly study the regional routes; The elevator in the business building is not easy to wait, so he saves time by climbing stairs; When a customer is in a bad mood, he can always take his heart to solve the problem in a timely manner

Song Zengguang maintained a high praise rate during the single running days. He said that his secret was a sincere "I wish you a happy meal". "At the beginning of the induction training, the webmaster told me that every meal delivery should say to the customer, 'I wish you a happy meal'. This is a small detail, but I always keep it in mind."

A greeting shortens the distance between the delivery clerk and the customer, and a thank you also warms the busy riders. During the Spring Festival that year, Song Zengguang did not go back to his hometown because of the shortage of staff. He took the initiative to stay in Shanghai to run a single race. The New Year's Eve coincided with a rainy day, and the platform orders surged in the evening. When he was worried, a short message sent by a customer warmed the rainy night: "Be careful in rainy days, it doesn't matter if the delivery is late." When he delivered the takeout, the other party said to him, "It's hard, happy New Year." This simple greeting made Song Zengguang feel overwhelmed, and also recognized the profession of riding.

From Jiangcha Station Master to Training Specialist

Around 2014, the takeaway industry was developing at a high speed. After less than a year as a rider, Song Zengguang, who is calm and hardworking, was promoted to be the webmaster.

The basic quality of a stationmaster is to "think what the rider thinks, and hurry what the rider thinks". When talking about the warm feelings of Brother Guang, all the riders who have ever been together are familiar with each other. He once delivered batteries to the riders in the rainy days in midsummer, and pushed the battery car back to the station in the heavy rain; Also, when a new rider was injured accidentally, he rushed to the scene at the first time and paid the medical expenses out of his own pocket

"Jiangcha webmaster" - many colleagues of Song Zengguang call him that.

Riders shuttle through the streets. In order to ensure that customers can eat in time during the peak meal time, every minute counts. After two or three hours, clothes are soaked with sweat. When he was a rider, Song Zengguang's wife always made a cup of brown sugar ginger tea for him on rainy days, so that he could carry the pressure of work. When he became the station master, he always boiled a pot of brown sugar ginger tea to the business circle and subway station where the riders rest in rainy days and cold weather. The good name of "Jiang Cha stationmaster" comes from this.

Today, Song Zengguang has served as the company's training specialist, and one of the important tasks is to train new riders. Song Zengguang said that in addition to the most basic skills, etiquette, and safety training, he would like to convey his career insights to new riders. "Many people come to Shanghai to work, and their first job will be delivery, so will I. These years' experience tells me that there will always be gains, even more gains than I imagined, if I work in one line, love one line, and specialize in one line. I hope that more people like me can find happiness in this career. "

I feel at home in Shanghai

The profession of takeaway rider has grown up with the rapid development of online ordering platform. In recent years, the society has given more and more support and respect to this group.

At the beginning of 2020, the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 caused the city to press the "pause button", and the instant delivery network that the delivery staff covered the "last 100 meters" played an important role, greatly reducing the infection risk of citizens going out and gathering.

During the epidemic, Song Zengguang tried his best to standardize the safety management of daily operations, strengthen the disinfection, quarantine and self-protection of riders, conduct psychological counseling and epidemic prevention and control training, and standardize the company's epidemic prevention and control system. At that time, riders were in urgent need of disinfection materials and protective supplies, but the market was seriously out of stock and the train was out of service. In order to protect the safety of riders during the meal delivery process, Song Zengguang decided to drive to Hangzhou alone, and invested to purchase 5000 masks and some disinfection materials, which were distributed to riders, ensuring the safety of the distribution link.

In the early days of the epidemic, Song Zengguang asked to go back to the front line and served as the distribution task of some isolation points and hospitals. "In the face of the epidemic and in the front line of urban life industry, we must shoulder our responsibilities bravely." He said that his feelings for Shanghai have gradually settled and deepened over the past six years.

Now, Song Zengguang has a sense of belonging to Shanghai. As one of the takeaway boys, he said that he would try to transform the concept of "redefining urban life" into the most real sense of gain for thousands of platform users.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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