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Yulin Truck Drivers' Membership

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2021-10-21 07:18

[Close contact with the staff and information about the grassroots work of the trade union]

Original title: Yulin truck driver's membership

Worker's Daily - Mao Yongxi, reporter of China Industrial Network, Song Junde, correspondent

Autumn is coming. It's a harvest scene. And the truck drivers in Yulin, Shaanxi, also welcomed fruitful results.

All this is hard won.


This summer, Zhao Xia, vice chairman of Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, took the work team to Yulin to carry out work as soon as the mobilization meeting for cadres of Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions ended. "What should we focus on? Where should we start? What results should we achieve?" These questions were put in front of each member of the working group.

As the saying goes, if you anticipate everything, you will stand; if you don't, you will lose. The working group had done enough homework before entering Yulin City. Zhao Xia has organized leaders of the provincial federation of trade unions and Yulin municipal federation of trade unions to study the work plan together for many times, established the work mode of provincial, municipal and county linkage, defined the work priorities of promoting the establishment of the freight enterprise association and the entry of truck drivers into the association, and formulated the "research to find out the basic situation, promote the solution of key and difficult problems, and summarize the results of practice promotion" The three-step work method of the "three steps" aims to expand the participation of truck drivers into the membership of new employment groups and promote the overall work.

"We can start work only after we have made a work plan." On the first night after arriving in Yulin, Zhao Xia organized the comrades of the working group to hold a meeting overnight. Hao Ganjun, a cadre of the Provincial Communications and Transportation Trade Union, said on the spot, "Our working group will take root in Yulin this time, organize truck drivers in Yulin to the greatest extent, and establish the trade union federation of the industry. If we do not win a complete victory, we will never withdraw."


It is not difficult for a single enterprise to establish a trade union, but how to establish a trade union federation of the freight industry? How to organize dynamic and decentralized truck drivers?

Looking at the long queues of trucks on the G337 National Highway, the two members of the working group felt that they had no place to use their strength and could not find a breakthrough in work for a while.

However, when they calmed down, they remembered the "three-step work method" set by the provincial president. They could only have a clear idea before they could have a target.

Therefore, they went to the Provincial Department of Transportation and Yulin Transportation Bureau to visit; Organize and hold a forum for truck drivers; Use WeChat applet to organize online questionnaire survey for truck drivers; Interview truck drivers in logistics parks and freight stations in a one-on-one and family friendly way

After a lot of efforts, the basic situation of the road transportation industry in Yulin has been clearly understood: the city's road freight volume is 269 million tons, mainly raw coal, coal chemical products transportation, accounting for 23.2% of the province's freight volume; 65000 trucks above 4.5 tons; There are 55000 people engaged in road freight transportation.

To the delight of the working group, they learned that Shaanxi Weihua Group Co., Ltd. is the largest automobile trading company in Mizhi County, with more than 3000 truck drivers attached to it; Moreover, the auto trade company provides "one-stop" services for truck drivers, such as car purchase, loan, freight, maintenance, etc.

"We immediately got an idea, and started with the auto trade enterprises, we set up an industrial trade union federation, implemented the dual absorption and dual coverage model of 'auto trade company trade union+industrial trade union federation', and jointly recruited truck drivers to join the trade union," said Hao Ganjun.

After returning from the survey in Mizhi County, the working group reported to Ma Zhidong, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Yulin Municipal People's Congress and Chairman of Yulin Federation of Trade Unions, the idea of joining the association. Ma Zhidong was also very happy: "This breakthrough is well chosen. Our truck drivers in Yulin are mainly engaged in energy transportation. Whether it is coal or coal chemical products, we focus on the energy industry. We will establish a labor union federation of the energy transportation industry, which not only has the characteristics of Yulin, but also can maximize the absorption of relevant employees in the energy industry, and expand the network of labor union organizations Some. "

Then, the working group entered the Yulin Automobile Industrial Park, established a trade union based on the Yulin Automobile Industry Association, gave full play to the advantages of the association's close ties with enterprises, and went to local Longtou automobile trade enterprises, such as Yulin Quancai Group Transportation Co., Ltd., Yulin Oriental Group, Yulin Jiari Group, to talk about building the association one by one, and appeal to emotion and reason, Finally, a "staff home" was built for 55000 truck drivers in Yulin.

On July 30, the collective admission ceremony of Yulin Energy Transport Industry Trade Union Federation was held in Yulin Quancai Group. Liu Guisheng, the master of the truck driver who got the membership card and the consolation package, said excitedly, "After 13 years of running the truck, I finally found the 'mother and family', and I will be organized to speak for us in the future. I am very happy!"


With the successful experience of Yulin Urban Construction Association, the work of the Association has mushroomed in the following days.

Suide County, Mizhi County, Qingjian County, Jia County, Wubao County, Zizhou County... One county (district) after another has established county-level energy transport industry trade union federations, and batch after batch of truck drivers have joined the trade union organizations. A network of trade union federations covering truck drivers is being established in Yulin.

Now, the "seed" of Yulin Energy Transport Industry Trade Union Federation has been sown. This "seed" will surely grow into a "towering tree" and become a reliable "shade tree" for truck drivers in Yulin.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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