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Ten thousand students participated! The 4th Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference Wenling Competition Finals Concluded

2024-05-06 10:20:25 Number of views: Font:[ large in Small ] Print
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"It is said that Zhan Huilong, a prodigy in the Song Dynasty, was brilliant and wrote a poem about" Madam Shi "when he was five years old.

On April 13, many "Zhan Huilong" gathered in Wenling, an ancient coastal city with beautiful scenery, and met at the foot of the famous "Mrs. Shi" Peak. After early selection, more than 200 young athletes passed the preliminary contest and entered the final of Wenling section of the Fourth Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference to explore the ancient coastal city and continue the cultural context for another thousand years.

As an important part of the "cultural root seeking" activity in primary and secondary schools in Zhejiang Province, the Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference has become a provincial competition for primary and secondary schools since 2021. This is not only the inheritance of Zhejiang's classic culture, but also the excavation and cultivation of the talent of the new generation of young people.

One of the biggest highlights of the 4th Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference is that the competition area was set up for the first time and the venue was in Wenling, Taizhou.

According to textual research, as the main destination of the road of Tang poetry in eastern Zhejiang, there are 250 Tang Dynasty poets who have just visited Tiantai Mountain in Taizhou and created 1122 poems.

"Taizhou is vast and the sea is dark, and the clouds and waters are long and the islands are green." This is Du Fu's poem entitled "Devotion to the Eighteen Works of Zheng", which describes the magnificent seascape of Taizhou and the verdant islands; "The Dragon Tower and the Phoenix Tower refuse to live and fly to the Tiantai." This is Li Bai's yearning for the Tiantai fairyland in his poem Qiongtai; "Half of the green mountains can't cover up, and thousands of sails race all over the west of Wenling." This is Zhang Ji's description of the fascinating natural beauty of Wenling that can't be concealed.

The mountains of Wenling, the clouds of Tiantai, the holy land of Xianju... The lines of poetry left by scholars of all ages are the crystallization of deep dialogue with this land. As the host city of this sub contest area, Wenling is located in Wenling, a traffic pass between Wenzhou and Taiwan. It is accompanied by mountains and seas, and has unique customs and customs. It has formed important lines of poetry inheritance such as "Jianghu Poetry School", "Huashan Poetry School" and "Chaling Poetry School".

In Wenling, the atmosphere for students to learn ancient poetry is also strong. At the previous Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference, students from Wenling performed very well.

The event was guided by Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education, Zhejiang Federation of Social Sciences Circles, hosted by Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Group, organized by Wenling District Organizing Committee (Wenling Municipal Education Bureau), Chaoxin · Qianjiang Evening News, and co organized by Zhejiang Wenling Middle School and Zhejiang Xuehai Education Technology Co., Ltd., attracting nearly 10000 middle school students. In the end, more than 200 young contestants passed the preliminary contest and entered the finals of Wenling section of the 4th Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference to meet friends and convey feelings through poetry.

The final of Wenling competition area on that day was divided into junior high school group and primary school group. Each group had six rounds of selection. Four players from each group who entered the point PK segment came to the stage to answer. The two winners advanced to the final "Flying Flower Order" competition segment to determine the total champion of junior high school group and primary school group in this competition. On site PK won the top 10 students in the primary school group and the top 10 students in the middle school group, went straight to the provincial final and participated in the provincial final of the fourth Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference held in Hangzhou this year.

Wenling students actively participated in this provincial event. Many students came to the scene dressed in hanfu and horse face skirt, feeling full of ceremony. During the interval of the competition, 40 students from Wenling Henghu Primary School brought an ancient poem to sing and dance "Little Pool", presenting the tranquility and vitality of the small pool vividly.

The school held an art festival, and the school folk music association prepared a program for solo musical instruments. The host Xiao Hai added a verse of "Who can't afford to feel the love of his hometown when hearing the willows in this nocturne?" in his host's words, so we can infer whether this instrument is Xiao, flute or erhu? Xiao Hai read the novel "Legend of Heroes Shooting Carving" at home. When he read the scene of Guo Jing shooting sculptures, he recalled that Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, also described a general's bravery and heroism when hunting: "Looking back at the shooting place, the clouds are flat at dusk." According to the description in the poem, is the general's hunting season spring, autumn or winter?

The answers to these questions not only require students to recite ancient poems, but also to have a more comprehensive understanding of poetry and background knowledge.

Wandering in the beautiful melodies, it is like walking into the charming mountains and rivers of the motherland, into the distant history of Zhejiang, and into the poetic atmosphere everywhere. The topic of ancient poems on that day also incorporated many Taizhou elements, including Immortal Residence, Guoqing Temple, Sima Chengzhen, who was called "Tiantai Baiyunzi".

For example, Shenxianju is the largest rhyolitic volcanic rock landform cluster in the world, with beautiful mountains and rivers, clear clouds and myriad sceneries. It is really a fairyland on earth. Which poem describes its style? "High and green, you can see the stone beam in the distance." "The clouds hang down and the rocs roll over, and the huge crows disappear." "The fairy cave has been idle for a thousand years, so you can steal in and steal back." Which poem describing Tiantai Mountain was written by Li Bai?

On the spot, Zheng Weirong, the chief tutor of Wenling Education Development Research Institute's senior high school Chinese, also shared some famous poems and quotations about Tiantai and Wenling, as well as celebrities' allusions. "Where is Tianmu Mountain in Li Bai's" Sleepwalking in Tianmu Yin Farewell "? It may be the Immortal Residence. Traveling in the Immortal Residence with this poem may be more poetic."

Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference has been held for the fourth time, and every competition has a strong feeling: not only to compete with brain power, but also to compete with hand speed, especially the points contest and "Flying Flower" link, which can set off a small climax of the competition.

In the "Flying Flower Order" segment of the day, Mao Jianjie, a historical and humanistic writer from Wenling, a special contributor to CCTV feature films, and the planner of the basic exhibition of Wenling Archives, selected the words "month" and "wind".

"Wind is the flow of air. In another poetic expression, wind is the rhythm of nature. There are many kinds of wind, light wind, gentle wind, strong wind, and windstorm, which can also be divided according to seasons and directions. Wind has different image expressions in ancient poetry." Mao Jianjie hopes that students can connect their feelings with nature while feeling the wind. "Reading poetry is also a process of poetic cultivation."

After fierce competition, Ren Liyi from Wenling Jinyuan Primary School and Li Xinyu from Wenling Changyu Middle School won the championship of primary school and junior high school respectively.

Ren Liyi is a "veteran" of Zhejiang Juvenile Poetry Conference and won the championship of primary school group of the second Zhejiang Juvenile Poetry Conference. This time, she not only came to the competition again, but also brought the students from Jinyuan Primary School to come in a group. On the scene, Ren shared with everyone his favorite poet Su Shi and his song "Settle the Wind, Don't Listen to the Sound of Beating Leaves through the Forest", which was full of bold and unrestrained atmosphere. In the competition, Ren Liyi, like her idol Su Shi, was quick and talented.

Ren Liyi's performance on the spot made Xu Rihui, a professor of the School of Humanities and Communication of Zhejiang Technology and Business University, the former director of the China Tourism Literature Research Institute, and the keynote speaker of CCTV's "One Hundred Lectures" feel the "Yangtze River Waves Push the Waves Ahead" and the vibrant atmosphere.

In Professor Xu's opinion, to understand poetry is to understand the past and history, so as to accurately know today and what to do tomorrow. "Poetry is not only to cultivate sentiments, but also to learn how the predecessors struggle and live, and how we should inherit through poetry learning."

He Shanmeng, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Philosophy of Zhejiang University, deputy director of the Institute of Chinese Ideology and Culture of Zhejiang University, and president of the Institute of Hehe Culture of Taizhou University, summed up three words for the day's competition: "moved", "feeling" and "thank you".

"I was moved by friends' interest in ancient poetry. Interest is the best teacher; I was moved by the accumulation of students. It is not difficult to recite one or two ancient poems or one or two days, but it is important to accumulate them for a long time; I was more moved by the courage of students. If you recite a poem, you should have the courage to express it." Professor He mentioned Liang Qichao's "Young China". The young representatives hope to carry forward and inherit excellent traditional culture, Teenagers are the hope and the key. "Thank you for this event, which provides a real learning opportunity for everyone to implement the excellent traditional culture to every child. This is a very good idea, and I hope that such activities can continue to affect generations and groups of young people."

With youth as the pen, talent as the ink, and knowledge as the paint, each competition in Zhejiang Youth Poetry Contest carries forward and inherits the magnificent culture of Chinese poetry.