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What did Wenling send to Sichuan for education assistance?

2024-05-06 10:13:37 Number of views: Font:[ large in Small ] Print
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"We have always attached importance to the combination of 'blood transfusion' and 'hematopoiesis',' assistance 'and' cooperation ', realizing the transformation of education cooperation from' participatory 'to' embedded ', helping Langzhong accelerate the construction of regional education center, promote high-quality balanced development of education and integration of urban and rural education, and promote high-quality development of education." Guo Debin, deputy director of Langzhong Municipal Government Office of Zhejiang Wenling, said.

Wenling has always attached great importance to education. Since the new round of cooperation between the East and the West, it has insisted on giving priority to education in the strategic position of development, and has constantly increased the investment in Langzhong's education. Various forms of education assistance, such as school construction assistance, teachers assistance, and inter school twinning, have enabled Langzhong's education software and hardware construction to achieve a qualitative leap, and more and more students share high-quality education resources.

At present, the construction of Langzhong Wenling Experimental School (Phase I) is progressing steadily and is expected to be completed in four months.

It is reported that this project is a practical project for people's livelihood in Langzhong from 2023-2024, and is also one of the educational assistance projects in which Wenling and the east and west of Langzhong cooperate. After the completion of the project, it will become the only nine-year school in Langzhong City, which can accommodate 3000 students in total.

"At present, the school borrows the premises of Jiangnan Senior Vocational Middle School and Wenling Kindergarten in Langzhong to run and recruit students," said Feng Xiaolin, a senior teacher of Xinhe Town Middle School in Wenling City who once held a temporary post in the school.

It turned out that in September 2022, in order to solve the problem of difficult enrollment, the school opened its doors at another school without starting construction. When recalling the preparations for the opening of the school, Feng Xiaolin said frankly that it was not easy, "less than 30 days before the opening of the school, a school with nearly 1000 students enrolled, and only 6 school level teams participated in the preparation." Everything started from scratch, there was no teacher office equipment, and we moved to the countryside to merge schools; The desks and chairs of the merged schools are not enough. Go to brother schools to borrow and contact Wenling caring people to donate; In order to save transportation costs, he led the teachers and parents to move together with the principal... Finally, the school opened as scheduled on August 27 of that year.

In order to ease the pressure of enrollment in Langzhong City, Wenling has invested 33.85 million yuan since 2021 to support the construction of schools in Langzhong City. Among them, Panlong Primary School, which will be established in the autumn of 2022, covers an area of 46.4 mu, and has complete teaching equipment and facilities. It will open primary schools from grade 1 to grade 3, and large, medium and small classes in kindergartens. Langzhong Wenling Kindergarten was officially opened in September 2023, adding 720 public preschool degrees to Langzhong Qili New Area.

In addition, Wenling has built seven high-quality recording and broadcasting information classrooms in Shuanglong Central School, Dongfeng Middle School, Langzhong Middle School and other schools, improving the level of education modernization in Langzhong.

At present, the two cities have reached cooperation on the smart campus construction project of ordinary high schools, with a view to achieving the joint construction and sharing of high-quality resources in the region, and promoting the remote interaction of classrooms and the interconnection of resources.

Since Wenlang Education Cooperation, Wenling has continued to invest cooperation funds to implement the two-way exchange project of excellent educational talents, with a total of 15 excellent teachers. Zhao Yudong of Wenling No. 3 Middle School is one of them. In July 2021, Zhao Yudong volunteered to be a volunteer teacher in Langzhong Baita Middle School.

"Local students have a good grasp of grammar and knowledge points, but their listening and speaking abilities and thinking abilities are relatively lacking. I share my English teaching ideas, methods and designs with my colleagues in Baita Middle School by opening public demonstration classes and recording teaching videos." Zhao Yudong said.

In one and a half years, Zhao Yudong has been enthusiastic. Due to his matchmaking, Baita Middle School, Wenling Education and Wenling No. 3 Middle School have frequent interactions and discussions in exchange and learning.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime..

By taking the opportunity of pair support, 10 schools in Wenlang and Wenzhou took multiple measures to improve the soft power of education through online live broadcast, online teaching and research, forum exchange and other ways.

For example, relying on the "cloud teaching and research" method, schools have carried out teaching research in the context of "double innovation", "double reduction" and "thinking class" for many times, and carried out more than 30 "online+offline" education teaching and research activities, such as isomerism in the same class, theme discussion, etc., covering teachers' professional display, homework design optimization, education activity design, discipline teaching research and other fields, Thousands of teachers participated in and benefited from the exchange.

At the same time, with the help of the project funds, the education and training project in the east and west of Langzhong has carried out various special trainings in various fields by stages, and more than 1000 teachers have participated in the training, covering every school in Langzhong city and countryside. Frequent and in-depth exchanges and interactions have broadened teachers' teaching vision and improved their professional quality, thus promoting the sharing of advanced education concepts and high-quality education experience.

The exchange learning project for vocational students is also a highlight of the cooperation between the East and the West to boost the development of education. Since Langzhong Jiangnan Senior Vocational School paired with Wenling Vocational Technical Secondary School, some students have been arranged to Wenling every year for training in other places, and will be recommended to excellent enterprises in Wenling for employment after completing their studies.

Education is a tree shaking another tree, a cloud pushing another cloud, a soul shaking another soul.

Under the active docking of the East West cooperation and assistance team, Wenling Chengbei Street has launched a public welfare brand activity for three consecutive years - "a pair of shoes in winter, Wenling Chengbei gives you". Last winter, more than 5000 pairs of love children's shoes started from Wenling, carrying the profound friendship of cooperation between the east and the west and the love of 18 enterprises in the north of the city. They were sent across nearly 2000 kilometers to 11 schools such as Langzhong Panlong Primary School and some "children's homes".

"As soon as children get the shoes, they can't wait to try them on the spot. These shoes let children feel the deep love from Wenling." Liang Gang, the vice principal of moral education of Panlong Primary School, said that, taking the opportunity of giving shoes, Panlong Primary School also carried out the Thanksgiving Education Month activity, so that students can plant the seeds of gratitude and activate the "virtue gene" for good.

In fact, the warmth and care brought by the cooperation between the east and the west has always been shown in the school. Last year, Wenling once again gave Panlong Primary School a cooperation fund of 1 million yuan to the east and the west for the construction of the school's playground plastic track and reading world; Wenling Assistance Team also coordinated Wenling enterprises to donate books worth 50000 yuan to Panlong Primary School

Education, as an important means of employment and integration of the disabled, is the channel to change the fate of the disabled. Wenling continues to pay attention to the growth of disabled students in Langzhong Special Education School, further improve the school's barrier free facilities, multi-function classrooms, teaching and rehabilitation training equipment, and provide simulation and training venues for 400 documented poor disabled people in sports rehabilitation, learning and education, life skills and professional abilities, It has effectively enhanced the ability of disabled students to adapt to society and earn a living after graduation.

In addition, Wenling public welfare organizations have cooperated with Langzhong to carry out donation activities and reached "micro wishes" for thousands of students in Langzhong; Wenling Red Cross Society set up a public welfare education fund to mobilize Wenling caring people to support students in need in Langzhong; Social caring people raise funds, repair Langzhong Panma Central School, and improve the learning and living conditions of students in remote mountainous areas... Boxing love is constantly surging in both places, helping Langzhong education achieve high-quality development.