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2024 Taizhou Students' Information Literacy Improvement Practice Activity Intelligent Robot Project Competition Held in Wenling

2024-05-22 15:11:55 Number of views: Font:[ large in Small ] Print
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The 2024 Taizhou Students' Information Literacy Improvement Practice Activity Intelligent Robot Project Competition was successfully held on May 8 in the Shentongmen Campus of Wenling Kowloon Primary School. The event was hosted by Taizhou Educational Technology and Information Center, and organized by Wenling Educational Technology Center and the Shentongmen Campus of Wenling Kowloon Primary School. A total of 138 primary and secondary school students from 69 teams from the city participated in the event.

Class B wheeled or crawler walking robot events are divided into two events, namely, the Science Experiment Platform and the Happy Amusement Park. Each contestant created a theme around "enlightening and empowering, creating the future together". Everyone was concentrated, fingers were tapping on the keyboard like lightning, and the well-designed robot accurately completed each task challenge.

Class C programmable control air vehicle events require contestants not only to be familiar with the overall controller, sensors and other hardware equipment of UAVs, but also to master excellent programming skills.

The height of the venue, line patrol and obstacle avoidance, task challenge and other contents of the competition are all produced by the on-site lottery of the referee, which tests the practical ability, programming ability and adaptability of the students, and is also a judgment on the comprehensive information literacy of the students.

In the tense competition schedule, the players raced against the clock to measure the field data, modify code parameters, debug equipment and machines, improve their robots in repeated failures and iterations, and fly a perfect arc on the field.

It is understood that the outstanding contestants of this event will represent Taizhou City to participate in the next on-site robot project competition of Zhejiang students' information literacy promotion practice activities.

The relevant staff of the Municipal Education Technology Center said that this activity provided a platform for the city's primary and secondary students to exchange ideas and show their talents, lit up the students' enthusiasm for science, and cultivated their innovative spirit and ability. It is expected that in the future, students will have better performance in the exploration and learning in the field of robotics and scientific and technological innovation activities.