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Ruoheng Town No. 2 Kindergarten: Effective teaching of evidence-based child development framework

2024-05-13 15:16:53 Number of views: Font:[ large in Small ] Print
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On April 25, the teaching and research activity of the Third Teaching and Research Area of Wenling Kindergarten was held in the Second Kindergarten of Ruoheng Town. More than 80 teachers from the Third Teaching and Research Area participated in this activity.

On the scene, teacher Wu Xiuling brought the collective teaching grinding and sharing of "Based on Children's Perspective, Boosting Scientific Literacy", explained the review process and route of the theme "Interesting Water", the specific process and implementation of the grinding of scientific activities carried out under the theme background, and linked the theme experience to promote the growth of children's experience. Then, Ying Bingqian and Luo Tingxi respectively brought the big class scientific activities Water and Cave and The Next Rainbow Rain to provide children with multiple materials to support their learning, so that children have enough time and opportunities to explore independently and improve their experience through exchange and sharing. Finally, Lin Xiaohong, the head of Shiqiaotou Central Kindergarten, gave a summary guidance and comment on this activity, pointing out that this scientific activity can carry out activities according to children's interest in inquiry, and can give children sufficient opportunities to explore, pay attention to observation and thinking in the process of inquiry, and plant a seed of curiosity and thinking in children's hearts. At the same time, it points out that teachers should strengthen the preciseness of language in scientific activities, strengthen the interaction between teachers and children and the ability to respond, and constantly promote the effectiveness of collective teaching activities.

Through this research and training activity, not only teachers' education and teaching ability and level are improved, but also the effectiveness of collective teaching is improved. The participating teachers feedback that when organizing collective teaching activities, teachers should closely follow the development of children and create rich and effective exploration scaffolding, which can not only promote the interaction between teachers and children, but also promote the development of children's thinking and experience.