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Wenling held 96 credit training for art in primary and secondary schools and art teaching and research activities in secondary schools

2024-05-13 11:43:47 Number of views: Font:[ large in Small ] Print
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 Zhu Danren 3.JPG

 Wang Wenya 2.JPG

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On April 23, the 96 credit art training and middle school art teaching and research activities of Wenling Junior High School and Primary School were held in Wenling Experimental School. More than 140 art teachers from primary and secondary schools in the city participated in research and training. In the activity, under the guidance of Mr. Lin Xian, Mr. Huang Meihua and Mr. Lin Yongping, an art teacher and researcher from Wenling Education Development Research Institute, the four art teachers showed their teaching examples, allowing the participating teachers to think and grow in an immersive discussion.

The "Red Memory Nanchang Uprising" directed by Cai Yujie, a teacher of the municipal experimental school, revolves around the oil painting "Nanchang Uprising" by Li Binghong, a painter, to guide students to appreciate art works on revolutionary history and inspire students' patriotism. The "Urban Sculpture" taught by Hu Pengcheng of the Third Municipal High School leads students to understand the types and functions of urban sculpture, improves students' aesthetic interest in urban sculpture, and deepens their understanding of the development significance of modern urban sculpture. The "Chinese Landscape" taught by Wang Wenya of the Fifth Middle School of Chengdu was introduced from the painting exhibition "Chinese Landscape - Lin Fengmian and Wu Guanzhong Art Exhibition", so that students can view different cultures with an open and inclusive attitude, respect and appreciate these differences. Qi Baishi, taught by Zhu Danren of the Fourth Municipal High School, starts from "looking for the beauty of the four seasons" and leads us into the four seasons and the dynamic "world" described by Qi Baishi. Through comparative analysis, students can appreciate Qi Baishi's unique artistic style.

After the demonstration of the lesson, Lin Yongping, an art teacher and researcher in Wenling City, summarized and reviewed the work in 2023, and gave a lecture on the theme of "Thinking about Practice of Art Curriculum Standards in Compulsory Education". The structure of the new curriculum standard was briefly analyzed, and the key issues that art teachers should pay attention to in teaching and studying were clearly understood in simple terms in combination with specific cases, which benefited the teachers attending the meeting.