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"You can't overemphasize it!" -- Jin Jiashu investigates the development of rural education

2024-05-11 11:02:15 Number of views: Font:[ large in Small ] Print
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In order to deeply understand the current situation and needs of rural education development and promote the sustainable and healthy development of Wenling education, Jin Jiashu, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Vice Mayor, went to Ruoheng Town on the afternoon of April 22 to investigate the development of rural education. Relevant personnel from the Municipal Education Bureau and Ruoheng Town accompanied the investigation.

Jin Jiashu and his party visited Ruoheng New Area Primary School, Ruoheng Central Primary School, and Ruoheng Dongpu Middle School. Everywhere, Jin Jiashu carefully checked the campus environment and teaching facilities and equipment of each school, and through the conversation with the school, he had a deep understanding of the allocation of teachers, school running philosophy, curriculum and difficulties encountered in school running.

At the symposium held by Dongpu Middle School in Ruoheng Town, Jin Jiashu successively listened to the report on the current overall education situation in Ruoheng Town and the report of the municipal education bureau on the quality and balance of compulsory education in the city. The participants exchanged views on the current situation, existing problems, future development plans and other aspects around the "high-quality and balanced education".

Jin Jiashu fully affirmed the educational achievements of Wenling Education in recent years. He said that promoting the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education is a major event for people's livelihood, and an important measure to optimize the layout of education, promote education fairness, and promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education. The whole city should be "tied together" to strive to become a national high-quality and balanced city of compulsory education.

He emphasized that Attach great importance to education Education concerns thousands of families, and we cannot overemphasize it. All units should attach great importance to it in thought and support it in action, and actively provide advice and escort for the development of Wenling education. Strict attention should be paid to safety work. Students' safety is no trivial matter. The school should always take safety into account, make full use of the school's resources, and fully protect the physical and mental health of students. We should improve the quality of education. The quality of school education has attracted much attention from the society. All schools should constantly create brand characteristics, promote featured school running, and achieve connotative development of schools. We should strengthen the team building. Rationally optimize the allocation of educational resources, do a good job in teacher training, teaching level improvement and other work, always adhere to the principle of "strict management and generous love", and care for the growth of teachers.