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Notice on Holding the Wugen Ocean Research Course Design Competition of Wenling Colorful Research

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WJJ [2024] No. 35

All relevant units (individuals):

In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, give full play to the ecological advantages of Wugen, gradually build Wenling colorful research and learning resources into research and learning travel products, and use high-quality research and learning travel IP to help the rural revitalization of old revolutionary base areas, Wenling Municipal Education Bureau, Wenling Municipal Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Wenling Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League The People's Government of Wugen Town has decided to jointly hold the marine research curriculum design contest of Wenling colorful research, and now the relevant matters are notified as follows.

1、 Competition purpose

Collect a number of marine research travel practice courses with Wugen characteristics for the whole society, deeply explore the natural ecology of Wugen, and explore the development system of research travel with extensive participation of the whole society, continuous improvement of activity quality, and healthy cultural atmosphere.

2、 Competition arrangement

From April 23 to May 31, the time for collecting the curriculum design scheme is from April 23 to May 31, and the evaluation, publicity and award will be carried out in June.

3、 Evaluation requirements

(1) The design of research courses is based on half day activities. There is no limit to the number of submissions for the design scheme of the participating courses. The research theme is marine research (see Annex 1 for details). Among them, the design scheme of research courses for primary and middle school students must comply with the Opinions of the Ministry of Education and other 11 departments on promoting research travel for primary and middle school students, which is conducive to the physical and mental development of primary and middle school students; The design scheme of Party member cadres' research courses must comply with the relevant regulations on education and training of Party members and cadres.

(2) See Annex 2 for the requirements of the curriculum design scheme. For the creative part designed on the basis of the template, scores can be added as appropriate during the review. After the specific course design, the implementation opinions and bill of materials of the research course design should be attached (the contestants should provide a set of color draft samples of the printed bill of materials).

(3) The course design of the contestants is unified as A4 pages, and the file name is unified as "contestants+research theme+research route+course design". Prepare two copies of documents, one electronic version (PDF version) and one paper version (print version, handwriting version is not acceptable). In addition, participants need to prepare a simple electronic self introduction (including name, organization, professional title, work experience and achievements). The document is uniformly named "Entrant+Self introduction". The electronic version (PDF version) must be neatly arranged and beautifully designed, and there must be no picture dislocation, wrong page and other problems. The paper version shall have a front cover and back cover for binding (binding on the left side is unified). If there are pictures on the cover and body, please print them in color for easy reference. Two electronic copies of documents should be sent to Email, the subject of the email is "Competitor+Research Theme+Research Curriculum Design", such as "Yang XX+Ocean+Research Curriculum Design". The audio and video works of the contestants should also be sent to the mailbox together with the course design scheme. The paper version of the curriculum design plan is mailed to Teacher Shi of Wugen Town People's Government at 0576-86908505, 15990608146 and 658146 (government website). All materials will be filed by the organizer and will not be returned.

(4) The curriculum design provided by the contestants must be original, and shall not plagiarize or plagiarize the curriculum design of the network, magazines, newspapers and others. If the entries are suspected of plagiarism, they will be disqualified.

4、 Award setting

One first prize, 10000 yuan, certificate of honor and trophy;

Three second prize winners, each of whom will be awarded a prize of 5000 yuan, a certificate of honor and a trophy;

Five third prize winners, each of whom will be awarded a prize of 3000 yuan, a certificate of honor and a trophy;

There are several creative awards, each of which will be awarded a prize of 1000 yuan and a certificate of honor.

The above bonuses are pre tax amounts, and the winners must pay individual income tax in accordance with relevant national regulations.

5、 Other instructions

(1) Application of achievements: The organizing committee will give an overall score according to the course objectives, course content, course implementation, course evaluation, etc. The score will not be divided into individuals or groups. The finalists and award-winning works will be selected into the Collection of Marine Research Courses in Wenling City and promoted in the series of research practice activities. At the same time, the following two talent plans are recommended to the winners: listed in the "Wugen Research Think Tank Plan", become the research curriculum design consultant of "research travel in Wugen", and assist in curriculum research and development and project upgrading and updating; Listed in the "Wugen Research Tutor Plan", you can participate in the "Research Travel in Wugen" activity and communicate with relevant departments around the country.

(2) Copyright description: The copyright of all original short videos, pictures, words and other content produced by the competition belongs to the author, but all entries and related materials will be deemed as authorized to be used by the competition sponsor free of charge.

(3) Disclaimer: If the audio and video works provided by the contestants violate any existing laws and regulations of China or infringe the legitimate rights and interests of a third party, resulting in any dispute, claim, litigation and other consequences, the contestants themselves shall bear all legal liabilities, and the organizers and co organizers of the contest shall not bear any legal liabilities.

(4) The competition organizing committee has the final right of interpretation.

Attachment: 1. List of Key Research and Study Travel Points in Wugen Town

2. Curriculum scheme design of the marine research curriculum design contest of Wenling colorful research (for reference)

3. Letter of Commitment for Original Works

Wenling Education Bureau Wenling Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau

Wugen Town People's Government of Wenling Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League

April 25, 2024

WJJ [2024] No. 35 Notice of Wenling Municipal Bureau of Education, Wenling Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, Wenling Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, Wugen Town People's Government on Holding the Wugen Marine Research Course Design Competition of Wenling Colorful Research. doc