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Hot Countries/Regions
Select appropriate countries/regions to register, help development and save costs

U.S. Company Registration


The 50 states have their own commercial characteristics and policies, rich trade markets, and developed cross-border e-commerce. By registering American companies, the U.S. market can be better expanded.


Company registration in Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong

The best financial and trade center in China, convenient port logistics, and one country, two systems policy facilitate customers to connect with foreign exchange and capital flow.


Canadian company registration


Canada is adjacent to the United States. Its geographical location is advantageous. Its manufacturing and high-tech industries are developed. Its taxes are few. Its company name is free and it is convenient for investment and immigration.


Australian company registration


The trade market is rich in resources, which can expand overseas trade. China and Australia have signed a free trade agreement, and most of the tariffs between China and Australia are now reduced.


Cayman/BVI/Seychelles Company Registration


Completely keep confidential customer information such as listing and investment; Reasonable tax saving, no agency bookkeeping and no price increase audit report are required every year.


Japanese company registration


Japan's medical and cosmetics industries are prominent, suitable for brand packaging/field/import and export trade. The registration of a Japanese company can also further expand the Japanese e-commerce market.


Korean company registration


South Korean cosmetics has a high global popularity, and there are many and developed e-commerce platforms. We can consider building a Korean brand, improving product competitiveness or entering the Korean e-commerce platform.


Singapore Company Registration


The geographical advantage can operate entrepot trade, the market is large, there is no foreign exchange control, the capital flow is convenient, and the public company's blockchain ICO policy is open.


Related services of overseas companies
Supporting services are available to meet your needs in all aspects

Overseas investment filing
Overseas investment filing

According to the regulations, domestic enterprises that directly or indirectly acquire the ownership, control, operation and management rights of overseas companies need to apply for approval or filing as required.


Overseas bank account opening
Open an account with an overseas bank

Bank of America, Huamei Bank, HSBC, Hang Seng Bank, Citibank, UOB Bank, Bank of Singapore, Swiss Bank, RHB Bank, etc.


Certification of embassies
Embassy certification

Business license, legal personality, power of attorney, contract, names of directors and shareholders, passports, etc.


Tax number application of each country
National tax number application

US federal tax code, UK VAT, Germany VAT, Italy VAT, France VAT, Spain VAT, Poland VAT, Czech VAT, etc.


More service options for overseas companies

How to register an overseas company
Just give it to us. It's faster and more worry free

Materials required for registration Note: Materials required by different countries/regions are different Consultation details>>
Company name in Chinese and English
Naming service available Click Free Name Check
Registered address of the company

We can provide

Identification of Directors

More than one person aged 18

Identification of shareholders

More than one person aged 18

Registered capital of the company

Some countries do not need capital verification

Business Scope

Some countries do not need capital verification

Frequently asked questions of overseas companies

Q What are the charges of American companies? 01
There are 50 states in the United States, with different expenses and taxes. Common registrations are: Delaware, USA, California, USA, New York, USA, Nevada, USA.

Download the summary of preferential tax policies in various countries>>

Q What are the advantages and disadvantages of registering a Cayman Islands company? 02
In addition to enjoying tax incentives, it can also save a large part of registration procedures and regulatory processes, and it can also facilitate the establishment of a framework to achieve overseas curve listing.

Download the summary of preferential tax policies in various countries>>

Q What should I pay attention to when naming the company? 03
Generally, you can use your company name if it has not been registered by other companies. You can put CORP (CORPORATION), LTD (LIMITED), INC (INCORPORATED) or CO (COMPANY), LLC and other words after the company name. Different countries/regions may be different. Learn more>>
Q How long does it take to register an overseas company? 04
Overseas companies can issue certificates as soon as 15-20 working days, and Australia can issue certificates as soon as 2 days with complete information. Different countries/regions may have different certificates. Learn more>>
Q How does an offshore company choose an opening bank? 05
Depending on the customer's own market and operation mode, for example, if you need multi currency operations such as Hong Kong dollar, US dollar, euro, British pound, and RMB to collect currency, you can choose banks in Hong Kong, China, Armenia, and other regions to open accounts. Learn more>>
Q What if we don't do annual tax declaration? 06
Annual review and tax declaration are required to conduct qualification review every year according to local laws. Only companies that pass the annual review and tax declaration can be recognized by the local government. If some countries do not do annual review and tax declaration, they will be subject to huge fines. Learn more>>
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