Follow the regulations and observe the Party discipline | Put strict political discipline and rules in a prominent position

Release time: 14:52, April 17, 2024 Source: Weihai Federation of Trade Unions Reading times: Print this page close window

Mao Xiang, website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Our Party is a Marxist party organized by revolutionary ideals and iron discipline. Among all disciplines of the Party, political discipline is the most important, fundamental and critical discipline, and is the general requirement of managing direction, position and root. In December 2023, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the revised Regulations on Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China, which takes firmly safeguarding the authority of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core and centralized and unified leadership as the starting point and end result, and further clarifies the political discipline and rules of the Party.

At the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping requested that a centralized discipline education be carried out in the whole party by taking the opportunity of studying and implementing the newly revised regulations on discipline. Party members and cadres should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions, take the study and implementation of the Regulations as an important political task, deeply understand the importance of political discipline and rules, and earnestly transform the deep understanding of the decisive significance of "two establishment" into conscious action of "two maintenance", always in the political position, political direction The political principles and the political path should be highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee.

   Our Party has always attached great importance to political discipline. Strict political discipline is the most important thing for strict discipline

Strict discipline is the glorious tradition and unique advantage of the Party. Our Party is just a pure organization, developing and growing in the process of constantly strengthening discipline construction. Strict discipline, especially political discipline, provides a strong and powerful guarantee for our Party to complete different historical missions in different historical periods.

At the initial stage of the founding of the Party, it has established a clear concept of "building the Party through discipline", and attaches particular importance to discipline building, especially political discipline building. The first party constitution, which was born at the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1922, specifically stipulated party discipline in nine articles, which required that "district or local executive committees and each group must implement and publicize the policies set by the Central Executive Committee, and not make their own policies"; In 1927, the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China passed the Resolution on Organizational Issues, which clearly put forward the concept of political discipline, pointing out that discipline within the Party is very important, and "it is appropriate to attach importance to political discipline"; In October 1927, the basic discipline of the people's army - "three major disciplines and six points of attention" was formulated, and the first article made it clear that "action follows command"

With the deepening of understanding and practice, our Party's understanding of the laws of strict discipline is also deepening, and its requirements for political discipline are more comprehensive and strict. Safeguarding the unity and unity of the Party, being loyal and honest to the Party, and strictly asking for instructions and reporting system are written into the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, some rules on intra party political life, the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment and other intra party laws and regulations.

In the new era, in the face of the new situation, new tasks and new requirements, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has adhered to the problem orientation, placed strict political discipline and rules in a more prominent position, created an atmosphere of taking a clear-cut stand in politics, strictly adhering to discipline, and strictly investigated and dealt with violations of political discipline and rules against the wind.

"Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the practice of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, we have deeply realized that many problems within the Party are related to political problems, because the Party's political construction has not been paid close attention to." General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that "political problems are fundamental problems at any time. To govern the Party strictly in an all-round way, we must pay attention to political requirements and strictly observe political discipline. ".

When attending the plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for the first time after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping highlighted political discipline and pointed out that "to be strict in Party discipline, the first thing is to be strict in political discipline"; At the three plenary sessions of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping requested that "we must strictly observe political discipline and take a firm and clear stand in front of major issues of principle and major issues of right and wrong"; At the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly proposed to implement the general requirements for party building in the new era, "strengthen the political construction of the party, and strictly observe political discipline and rules"; At the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again stressed that "we should persist in encouraging corruption and promoting clean mindedness, and strictly observe political discipline and rules"

General Secretary Xi Jinping not only emphasized the importance of political discipline and rules, but also combined with practical issues, directions and teaching methods.

At the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the "seven haves" that violate political discipline were listed; At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was the first time to clearly put forward the requirement of abiding by political rules; At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strict political discipline and rules were taken as an important part of the Party's political construction, and the whole Party was required to abide by them; At the First Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, it was clearly proposed that maintaining the authority of the CPC Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership should be the most fundamental political discipline and political rules... Repeated emphasis and earnest exhortations have tightened the screws of strict political discipline and political rules for the whole party.

Practice and exploration first, summary and refinement later. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has put strict political discipline and political rules in the first place to strictly control the Party and strengthen discipline construction, so as to realize the system to keep pace with the times.

Formulate Several Guidelines for Inner Party Political Life in the New Situation, taking strict political discipline as an important content to strengthen and standardize the inner party political life in the new situation; Revise the Regulations on Inner Party Supervision of the Communist Party of China, and make it one of the main contents of inner party supervision to implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, strictly enforce the party's discipline, especially political discipline and rules, and promote the construction of a clean and honest party style and anti-corruption work; The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of "Top Leaders" and Leading Groups, requiring leading cadres at all levels, especially senior cadres, to take the lead in abiding by political discipline and rules, and take the initiative to ask for instructions and report to the Party organization

Strengthening discipline construction is the fundamental policy for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. Since the new era, the CPC Central Committee has been working hard to improve discipline, highlighting strict political discipline and rules, and promoting Party organizations and members at all levels to always consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee, to ensure that all Party orders and prohibitions are enforced, and to ensure that the CPC Central Committee is firm and respected.

   The Regulations take firmly safeguarding the authority of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core and centralized and unified leadership as the starting point and end result, and further enrich and improve the requirements for discipline and rules

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has revised the regulations on disciplinary punishment three times, taking the resolute maintenance of the authority of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core and the centralized and unified leadership as the starting point and end result, and further enriching and improving the discipline rules that must be observed by Party organizations at all levels and all Party members in terms of political direction, political position, political speech, and political behavior.

In 2015, the Regulations were revised to institutionalize the achievements of theoretical innovation and practical innovation in managing and governing the Party since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and to integrate the discipline requirements of the Party Constitution, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and other intra party laws and regulations into six disciplines: political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline and life discipline; Highlight political discipline and rules, and emphasize that political discipline is the most important discipline among the six disciplines; We will strengthen and improve the provisions on "punishment for violations of political discipline", and make it clear that Party discipline will be imposed on those who discuss the major policies of the Central Committee and undermine the Party's centralization and unity.

In 2018, the Regulations were revised to improve the political, epochal and targeted nature of discipline building. Add provisions on punishment for acts of consistency with the Central Committee of the Party on major issues of principle, add provisions on punishment for acts endangering the unity of the Party such as mountain stronghold doctrine, making and spreading political rumors, and add provisions on punishment for acts of dishonesty and dishonesty committed by the Party such as double dealing and double dealing... A series of important amendments have been made, and the "negative list" of political discipline has been added and improved, We will make more targeted provisions on the outstanding issues in managing the Party, especially the "seven haves".

In December 2023, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the revised Regulations, adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further tightening the political discipline and rules of the Party, and driving all disciplines to be strict.

——We must firmly grasp the political nature and characteristics of the times of the Party's discipline building. As the basic laws and regulations of the Party's discipline construction, the Regulations insist on guiding the discipline construction work with the standpoint, viewpoint and method that run through the Party's innovative theory. Implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially the important thought of the Party's self revolution, implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on comprehensively strengthening the Party's discipline building and the requirements of the report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China on "Three Musts", etc. The Regulations add "Insist on Self revolution" "Provide strong discipline guarantee for comprehensively promoting the construction of a powerful country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization" and other contents, which are fully reflected in the specific provisions of the specific provisions.

——We will resolutely uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee and ensure that its decrees are unimpeded. "Two maintenances" are the highest political principle and fundamental political rules of the Party, which must be guaranteed by strict discipline. The Regulations improve the discipline provisions to ensure the smooth flow of the Central Committee's decrees, add provisions in Article 56 on the punishment of departmental or local protectionist acts regardless of the overall situation of the Party and the country, and adjust the implementation of the Central Committee's decisions and deployment from the act of violating work discipline to the act of violating political discipline.

——Promote the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept and promote high-quality development. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China deployed to accelerate the construction of a new development pattern and focus on promoting high-quality development. Article 57 was added to the Regulations to enrich the misplacement of the views of Party members and leading cadres on their achievements, to violate the new development concept, and to deviate from the provisions on punishment of high-quality development requirements, and to adjust the "image project" and "achievements project" behaviors that waste money and labor from violating mass discipline to violating political discipline. By clarifying the requirements for discipline, Party members and leading cadres are encouraged to conscientiously practice the correct concept of political achievements and implement the requirements for high-quality development.

——We will promote loyalty and honesty to the Party and safeguard its unity. In Article 54 of the Regulations, the provisions on punishment for engaging in political affiliation are added, and Article 55 is added to clarify the provisions on punishment for engaging in speculation, making friends with or being used by political fraudsters, as well as acts of acting as political fraudsters, in order to resolutely crack down on such acts with serious political harm and promote Party members to be loyal and honest to the Party, Promote the creation of a sound political ecology.

——Standardize political words and deeds, and strengthen ideals and beliefs. In accordance with the problems found in the supervision of discipline enforcement, the Regulations add in Article 52 the provisions on the punishment of reading, browsing and listening to materials with serious political problems without permission and serious acts; In Article 69, further improve the provisions on the punishment of Party members who believe in religion; In Article 70, the punishment provisions for individuals engaging in superstitious activities are added.

As a basic law within the Party that regulates the behavior of more than 5 million grass-roots Party organizations and more than 98 million Party members, the Regulations play an important role in enforcing Party discipline, maintaining the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralizing and unified leadership. On the basis of summing up practical experience, we should keep pace with the times to improve discipline and further clarify political discipline and rules, which is conducive to giving full play to the role of discipline building as a weapon to address both the root causes and root causes, ensuring that Party organizations at all levels and all Party members are united with the Party Central Committee, genuinely love the Party, care about the Party at all times, firmly protect the Party, and vigorously promote the Party, so as to unite under the banner of the Party into "a piece of hard steel"

   Strictly implement the Party's political discipline and rules, and drive all disciplines to be strict in an all-round way

Observing political discipline and rules is an important basis for observing all Party disciplines. The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, when reviewing the newly revised disciplinary regulations, stressed that we should further tighten political discipline and political rules, and drive all disciplines to be strict with strict political discipline. Party organizations at all levels and all Party members should take the study and implementation of the newly revised regulations as an important political task, and consciously internalize and externalize discipline requirements in combination with the Party discipline learning and education carried out throughout the Party.

We will not punish those who do not teach, and promote the formation of "conscious discipline". General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the need to develop a sense of discipline and transform the requirements of heteronomy into internal pursuit. To make good use of the "rule" of discipline, first of all, let the party members clearly define the "strict" standard. We should pay attention to deepening discipline education, focus on solving problems such as not paying attention to, understanding and mastering Party rules and disciplines, especially political discipline and political rules, and promote Party members to enhance their sense of discipline and cultivate discipline consciousness.

Party organizations at all levels should promote the normalization of discipline education, strengthen the publicity and education of the Regulations by organizing collective learning, individual self-study, special training and other forms, create a strong atmosphere of learning, knowing, observing and abiding by disciplines, and let the majority of Party members deeply understand the political hazards of speculation, speculation, dislocation of political performance and other behaviors; The Regulations were included in the compulsory courses for training party members and cadres, and in combination with typical cases of violations of political discipline and political rules, we guided everyone to keep the observance of rules and disciplines in mind. The majority of Party members, especially the leading cadres of Party members, should deeply understand that strengthening discipline building is the fundamental policy for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, consciously abide by political discipline and rules, adhere to the Party's leadership, implement the Party's line, principles and policies unambiguously, and always adhere to the political position, political direction, political principles On the political road, we have maintained a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core.

The vitality of laws and regulations lies in implementation. We should make great efforts to establish systems and rules, and more importantly, we should make great efforts to implement and enforce them. As the "discipline force" of the Party, the discipline inspection and supervision organ should earnestly shoulder the important responsibility of maintaining Party discipline, strengthen supervision and discipline enforcement, and ensure that the Party's political discipline and political rules are strictly implemented while demonstrating its own exemplary compliance.

We will strengthen political supervision closely around the Party's mission and tasks in the new era and new journey, and ensure that the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee take root and are consistent in the end. Consciously integrate political supervision into the formulation and implementation of major development strategies, important policies and measures, and key projects and tasks, promote the concretization, accuracy, and normalization of political supervision, and ensure that political supervision will follow up wherever the major decisions of the Party Central Committee are deployed. Focusing on the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the major policies of the Party Central Committee, we will "look back" on the implementation of the normalization, and urge the whole Party to unify its thinking, will, and progress in step.

We will resolutely correct political deviations and eliminate political risks in a timely manner. We should encourage corruption and promote the clean, and strictly observe political discipline and rules. Focus on political loyalty, find out and solve the "seven haves" problem in time, and resolutely correct "low-level red" and "high-level black"; Focusing on political security, we will never be soft on those who engage in political groups, small circles and interest groups within the Party; Focusing on political responsibilities, the supervision focuses on promoting Party committees (leading groups) and leading cadres at all levels, especially the "top leaders" to assume leadership responsibilities; Focus on political position, urge party members and cadres to firmly stand on the party spirit and people's position, and always do their duty for the party and benefit the people; Focus on political life within the Party, urge Party organizations at all levels to implement democratic centralism, and further enhance their political and organizational functions.

Strict discipline is an important guarantee for our Party to move from victory to victory. Party organizations at all levels and all Party members should fully and accurately understand the rich connotation of the Regulations, strictly implement and maintain the Party's political discipline and rules, use strict discipline to ensure that the whole Party consciously maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, unify thought and action, know what to do, stop doing, order and prohibit doing, Form a strong driving force and joint force to promote Chinese style modernization.