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Notice on Organizing and Carrying out Health and Recreation Activities for Frontline Workers in 2024

Release time: 17:09, April 17, 2024 Source: Weihai Federation of Trade Unions Reading times: Print this page close window

All district and city federations of trade unions, national level development zone federations of trade unions, comprehensive protection zone federations of trade unions, municipal trade union working committee, municipal enterprises and institutions Unit labor union:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, earnestly safeguard the health rights and interests of employees, improve the quality of life of employees, and encourage employees to Exquisite city · Happy Weihai Strive for excellence and make contributions in the construction. The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions has studied and decided to continue to organize the first-line workers' recuperation activities this year. The relevant matters are notified as follows.

1、 Number of organizations

Trade unions at all levels in the city six thousand six hundred and sixty Front-line staff participated in rehabilitation activities, of which , Provincial demonstrative first-line staff treatment and recuperation two hundred and sixty People, municipal four hundred and fifty People, autonomous organization of district and city level federation of trade unions nine hundred and fifty People, grass-roots trade unions independently organize healing and recuperation activities five thousand (See the appendix for quota allocation scheme 1)

II Participants

Adhere to the work orientation of serving the grassroots front-line, the treatment and recuperation objects are generally the in-service front-line staff (including front-line cadres and staff of government agencies and institutions), with the focus on the model, advanced backbone, technical backbone and long-term outstanding staff who have taken root in the front-line, mainly oriented to five Large group:

one Skilled workers.

two Employees who have made outstanding achievements and received commendation and praise from their units and above.

three Employees who have long been engaged in hard, dirty and dangerous jobs and exposed to toxic and harmful factors.

four Employees who have made positive contributions in key fields, key industries, key industries, key projects, major projects, major tasks, major disasters, major epidemic prevention and control, etc.

five Workers in new forms of employment, including key workers and outstanding representatives in express delivery, delivery delivery, online car hailing drivers, truck drivers and other groups.

3、 Activity content

one Highlight ideological and political guidance Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, carry out various forms of experience activities around the Party's innovative theory, learning and education of party history, red education, patriotism education, and the promotion of excellent traditional Chinese culture. We will run through the ideological and political guidance, unite and lead employees to listen to the Party's words, feel the Party's gratitude Follow the Party.

two Highlight the promotion of physical and mental health With the main goal of promoting the physical and mental health of employees, make full use of the health care resources inside and outside the treatment and recuperation base, properly carry out physical examination, rehabilitation physiotherapy, health lectures, psychological adjustment, cultural and sports activities, etc. during the treatment and recuperation period, to help employees fully recuperate, relax and improve their health.

three Highlight the promotion of communication. Build a bridge for peer exchange and learning through various forms, focus on modern industry, manage the ocean Three spirits Experience and rural revitalization, observation of achievements in ecological civilization construction, exchange of technical skills and other aspects to expand service content, help employees learn from each other, broaden their horizons and improve their quality.

four It is strictly prohibited to arrange illegal content. When organizing a visit, you can go to one It is forbidden to go to purely recreational places, places with certain risks, and high consumption places Activities are carried out in places where people spend money, private clubs, feudal superstitions, and places with vulgar and vulgar content.

4、 Activity arrangement

one time In principle, the activities in the province generally do not exceed five Days, no more than seven Days, including round-trip travel time. The working days occupied by the staff and workers to participate in the treatment and recuperation shall not offset the annual leave stipulated by the State Council. ensure eleven month ten A few days ago, we completed the goal of health care for front-line workers in the city.

two Location: Generally, it should be carried out in the staff and workers' health care base at or above the municipal level.

5、 Fund guarantee

The provincial demonstration front-line workers' health care expenses shall be borne by the provincial federation of trade unions , The expenses for treatment and recuperation directly under the municipal government shall be borne by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions , All districts and cities and all units shall organize and carry out the recuperation, which shall be funded by the district and city federation of trade unions and units, and independently determine the funding guarantee mode. The cost standard shall be determined by the district and city Each unit shall negotiate with the place of recuperation.

The expenses of the team leader during the recuperation period shall be uniformly disbursed from the recuperation funds, and the transportation expenses to and from the recuperation place shall be reimbursed by the unit in accordance with the relevant provisions of travel expenses.

6、 Relevant requirements

one Strengthen organizational leadership. Trade unions at all levels should attach great importance to the treatment and recuperation of employees, and take it as an important measure to implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and improve the quality of life of employees. Each district and city unit shall, in accordance with the unified deployment of the provincial federation of trade unions, formulate its own activity plan, clarify the division of tasks, vigorously promote the implementation, and ensure the timely completion of the medical and recuperation goals and tasks of front-line workers.

two strong Demonstration driven. All district and city federations of trade unions, government organs, enterprises and institutions trade unions should increase their support for funds, include the funds for staff rehabilitation activities in the annual budget, and actively, independently, flexibly and variously organize staff rehabilitation activities at their own levels. The expenses for recuperation activities include accommodation, meals, transportation, activity expenses, insurance purchase, etc. during the recuperation period. Grass roots trade unions such as government agencies, enterprises and institutions should actively strive for administrative support according to the Lu Hui [ two thousand and seventeen thirty-one According to the spirit of the No. 1 document, the grassroots trade unions in the city can organize and carry out their own staff health care activities to maximize the benefits to front-line workers in all walks of life.

three Responsibility for compaction work. All districts, cities and units shall do a good job in the selection, review and check of the staff for recuperation, and appoint staff with high comprehensive quality and strong sense of responsibility to lead the team, responsible for the organization, coordination, management and service during the recuperation. among forty For batches with less than people, arrange staff one First name, forty For batches with more than people, staff can be arranged 1-2 First name. After the end of each batch of activities five Within a day, the medical and recuperation information should be entered into the online system of Shandong staff medical and recuperation and reviewed in time to ensure that the online and offline information is consistent and accurate.

four Give play to the role of the main position of the healing and recuperation base All bases should constantly improve their reception conditions, do well in recuperation, rehabilitation physiotherapy, physical examination and other work, enhance their service functions, and constantly improve the quality of recuperation. According to the needs and characteristics of front-line workers, a variety of treatment and recuperation schedule plans should be scientifically designed and reported to the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions for approval before implementation. We should make every effort to do a good job in the safety production of the recuperation, carefully implement the preventive measures, formulate emergency plans for various emergencies, purchase personal accident insurance for the employees participating in the recuperation, and ensure the safety of the whole process of recuperation.

five Strictly observe the requirements of regulations. Earnestly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, and strictly abide by the relevant financial management regulations. It is strictly prohibited to organize leading cadres to travel with public funds or disguised public funds in the name of carrying out front-line staff recuperation, and it is strictly prohibited to bring family members and attendants to participate in the recuperation. The staff participating in the treatment and recuperation shall obey the unified arrangement, and shall not leave the team without authorization. It is strictly prohibited to drink alcohol, organize or participate in banquets and other activities.

six Pay attention to publicity and guidance. Trade unions at all levels should make full use of all kinds of news media to widely publicize the policies of workers' recuperation, actively publicize good practices and typical experiences in workers' recuperation activities, guide more units to pay attention to the physical and mental health of workers, and create a strong atmosphere of caring for workers and respecting labor in the whole society.  

Contact: Zhang Li, Tel: five million three hundred and thirty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one , Email:


enclosure: 1. 2024 Quota distribution table of Weihai front-line workers' rehabilitation activities in

two two thousand and twenty-four Task Distribution Table of Health and Recreation Activities for front-line Workers of Municipal Grass roots Trade Unions in

three List of provincial and municipal health care bases in Weihai

four two thousand and twenty-four Summary of real name system for first-line employees in

five XX Unit) two thousand and twenty-four Summary of annual first-line staff treatment and recuperation



  Weihai Federation of Trade Unions

                                      2024 year four month nine day

Notice on Organizing and Carrying out Health Care for Frontline Employees in 2024.doc