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Weihai Federation of Trade Unions will act again in the month of integrity education to promote the great improvement of cadres' style

Release time: 10:12, November 19, 2020 Source: Weihai Federation of Trade Unions Reading times: Print this page close window

According to the Key Points of the Work of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions on Building a Clean and Honest Party in 2020, and in combination with the ongoing action to improve the style of cadres, the Weihai Federation of Trade Unions has recently launched a clean and honest education month, focusing on political construction of party members and cadres by strengthening the study of the Party's innovative theory, reading the family style story collection, punching the "clean and honest road", carrying out a special party lesson on clean and honest government and other forms Work hard on ideological construction, constantly strengthen the spirit of self revolution and struggle, and strive to build a team of trade union cadres with strong politics, hard work style, courage to take on responsibilities and achievements through self purification, self-improvement, self innovation and self-improvement.

   Strengthening theoretical study and strengthening ideal and belief

"We should focus on formalism and bureaucracy and carry out a comprehensive review and targeted treatment, effectively reduce the burden on the grass-roots level, so that cadres have more time and energy to implement." Recently, the party members and cadres of the Weihai Federation of Trade Unions held a big discussion around "Xi Jinping's important statement on avoiding formalistic bureaucracy", The activity of the Honest and Clean Government Education Month of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions was kicked off.

The Weihai Federation of Trade Unions has combined the Party conduct and clean government education month with the Friday collective learning day system, combined collective learning with independent learning, and timely followed up and studied the latest important statements of General Secretary Xi Jinping through in-depth study of the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, We should guide Party members and cadres to learn to understand and practice the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and promote the study of the Party's innovative theoretical achievements to transform into ideological, political and action consciousness in performing their duties.

   Learn advanced models Conserve the cool and healthy air

"1. Young people are not allowed to leave their jobs to visit him on a special trip, but only when they are on a business trip; 2. All visitors are allowed to stay in the State Council guesthouse; 3. No guests are allowed to give gifts; 4. No public cars are allowed to use..." At the party group meeting, the party group leader of the third party branch was reading Zhou Enlai's "Ten Family Rules". The ongoing anti-corruption education month activity has included the Collection of Good Family Style Stories of the Older Generation of Revolutionaries and Advanced Model Figures into the important content of the party group's learning, and organized party members and cadres to sign the Letter of Commitment on Honesty and Self discipline of Party members and leading cadres "beyond eight hours".

In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on family style construction and further deepen the education of party style and clean government, Weihai Federation of Trade Unions also organized party members and cadres to visit the "Clean Road" anti-corruption education base - "Clean Family Style Hall of Gumu's Old Residence". By learning the model of diligence and honesty, all Party members and cadres will be inspired to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the revolutionary predecessors' red family style, be strict with themselves and their families, cultivate good family style, cultivate noble and upright spirit, and deliver clean and honest charm.

   Carry out special Party courses Build a solid ideological defense line

"Strengthening the construction of a clean and honest government by trade union organizations is the intention of implementing the requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for comprehensively and strictly governing the party, the inevitable requirement for strengthening the political nature of trade union organizations, and the fundamental guarantee for promoting the innovative development of trade union work and taking the lead." This month, the party group of Weihai Federation of Trade Unions Wu Hongfei, the executive vice chairman, gave a special party lesson to all government officials under the title of "Constantly Strengthening the Construction of Party Conduct and Clean Government and Continuously Promoting the Comprehensive and Strict Governance of the Party to Deep Development".

On this basis, the Weihai Federation of Trade Unions specially invited the members of the Publicity League of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to give special lectures on Party discipline and Party rules, comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and other contents. Through the above rate of continuous and uninterrupted education, the propaganda and education work of Party conduct and clean government has been continuously deepened, the discipline "tight curse" has been read, the integrity "preventive needle" has been played, and the party members and cadres have been educated and guided to know the fear, fear Keep the bottom line and further strengthen the ideological and moral defense against corruption.

The Weihai Federation of Trade Unions took the activity of Honest and Clean Government Education Month as a starting point, solidly carried out the work of "three no's" in an integrated way, and thoroughly implemented the requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. In the next step, we will continue to focus on the construction of the cadre's work style based on the actual work of the trade union in accordance with the Implementation Plan for the Great Improvement of the Cadre's Work Style, and promote the great improvement and breakthrough of the trade union work in the city with the new results of the work style improvement.


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