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Logistics industry product set

This product set covers the meteorological data information required for transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, packaging, circulation processing, distribution and information management in various aspects and in the whole process. Domestic long and short distance land transportation, improve the efficiency of cold chain transportation, reduce unnecessary energy consumption, and give early warning to ensure the safety of goods and transport personnel's lives and property; Provide fine resolution weather data for inland river and sea transportation; Provide climate analysis products for storage site selection and special goods loading and unloading; Cooperate with the logistics company to establish the weather information live feedback system and obtain the mobile live data stream; Provide scientific guarantee for cost reduction and efficiency increase in the logistics industry. Data source: jointly release the self-developed data with the public meteorological service center.
consultation: 010-68408994

Service provider

Beijing Tianyi Technology Co., Ltd

Contact customer service: 010-68408994

Online time: 8:30 - 17:00


Recommended data

instructions Detailed introduction Error reference code


Logistics industry product set

Interface example Data type&key=order key

Request mode



name type Required Sample value describe
area String yes one hundred and one million ten thousand and one hundred City station No
type String yes observe Data type identification
key String yes fd034bf8fe70289698ec4ea79876feree Order Key

data format


Detailed introduction

This product set covers the meteorological data information required for transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, packaging, circulation processing, distribution and information management in various aspects and in the whole process. Domestic long and short distance land transportation, improve the efficiency of cold chain transportation, reduce unnecessary energy consumption, and give early warning to ensure the safety of goods and transport personnel's lives and property; Provide fine resolution weather data for inland river and sea transportation; Provide climate analysis products for storage site selection and special goods loading and unloading; Cooperate with the logistics company to establish the weather information live feedback system and obtain the mobile live data stream; Provide scientific guarantee for cost reduction and efficiency increase in the logistics industry. Data source: jointly release the self-developed data with the public meteorological service center.

Error code interpretation
CC1001 The interface needs to be paid, please recharge
CC1002 No corresponding data information exists
CC1101 Error in appKey query
CC1102 The appKey key is missing
CC1004 Access times exceeded
CC1000 Exception in calling the service provider interface, please contact the administrator
