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Children's cold index in domestic county-level cities in the next day

Elements include grade, name, index description, and update time 8, 12, and 18. Compared with adults, children are more sensitive to weather changes. The data of conventional cold index does not consider the individual differences between children and adults, so the data results have large errors and little guidance. This product selects appropriate meteorological factors (temperature, humidity, wind speed, weather phenomenon, etc.) in combination with children's height, physique and other information, and uses algorithms to obtain index results, which can provide strong support in retail, education, medical care, tourism, social science activities, etc. related to children. For example, when children's cold index is high, children's masks can appropriately expand production or increase the purchase volume; When the index is low, it can reduce production and purchase to prevent product backlog. Data source: jointly release the self-developed data with the public meteorological service center.
National county-level cities( three thousand two hundred and forty Station)
Daily visits:
Less than 10000 times 10000-50000 times 50000 to 100000 times 100000 to 200000 times 200000 to 500000 times 500000 to 1000000 times 1-2 million times 2-4 million times
1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 1 year 2 years 3 years

Service provider

Beijing Tianyi Technology Co., Ltd

Contact customer service: 010-68408994

Online time: 8:30 - 17:00


Recommended data

instructions Detailed introduction Error reference code


Children's cold index in domestic county-level cities in the next day

Interface example Order Key

Station number list download

Request mode



name type Required Sample value describe
area String yes one hundred and one million ten thousand and one hundred City station No
type String yes indexgc Data type identification
key String yes fd034bf8fe70289698ec4ea79876feree Order Key

data format


{'indexgc': { '24h': { '101010100': { '1001011': [{ '000': '20190401', '001': { '001002': 'Easy to send',//Grade '001001': 'Pediatric cold index',//Name '001003': 'The air is dry and easy to catch cold. The baby needs to pay special attention to proper protection.'// describe } }] } } } }

Detailed introduction

Elements include grade, name, index description, and update time 8, 12, and 18. Compared with adults, children are more sensitive to weather changes. The data of conventional cold index does not consider the individual differences between children and adults, so the data results have large errors and little guidance. This product selects appropriate meteorological factors (temperature, humidity, wind speed, weather phenomenon, etc.) in combination with children's height, physique and other information, and uses algorithms to obtain index results, which can provide strong support in retail, education, medical care, tourism, social science activities, etc. related to children. For example, when children's cold index is high, children's masks can appropriately expand production or increase the purchase volume; When the index is low, it can reduce production and purchase to prevent product backlog. Data source: jointly release the self-developed data with the public meteorological service center.

Error code interpretation
CC1001 The interface needs to be paid, please recharge
CC1002 No corresponding data information exists
CC1101 Error in appKey query
CC1102 The appKey key is missing
CC1004 Access times exceeded
CC1000 Exception in calling the service provider interface, please contact the administrator
